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Get Your Vintage Display Fix with These Cool Blue Soviet VFDs

OLED displays capable of displaying a couple hundred characters at a time cost just a few dollars. They’re also pretty easy to use with modern microcontrollers via I2C or SPI connections. So, why in the world would someone…

SuperSU Apk

SuperSU to control Android Root settings

SuperSU Apk can be named as the most secure rooting tool at present. Monitoring root settings in your device is more important to get rid from many of threats like malware. When you root your Android device it…

About the project GPCC

The GPCC platform is a service based on blockchain technology.

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger. In it, all the digital records made are connected into “blocks”, which are then linked into a “chain”. Each of such blocks is connected to the preceding one and…

I have built my own crypto currency news aggregator

I have started investing in crypto currency last year, till now what I observed is The value of any particular currency fluctuates based on lot of factors and most important of them all are

  1. Just before being Listed…