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3 reasons why you might be scared of AR

In 2015, a study from researchers at Chapman University showed that americans are more scared by technology than by death. A new survey by Znet confirms that technophobia is a real thing, with killing robots and AI being the biggest fear. For the first time…

Install Docker for Mac

Now that you have heard what Docker is, you are probably eager to give it a go. Then you have come to the right place. in this article, I’ll show you in a fast and simple matter, how you can download, install and run docker on your mac.

Table of Contents

Lampix is Live on Kickstarter

What is Lampix?

Lampix is a truly interactive tabletop augmented reality system that uses machine learning and blockchain-based image sourcing to recognize, reveal and react to the visual world.

How Instragram triggers us to keep coming back.

Having covered triggers from an emotional perspective, today I would like to discuss them from a socio-physical technological perspective by representing them through the lens of Instagram.

PayVX Frequently Asked Questions

What is PayVX?

PayVX is the world’s simplest, fastest and most secure payment technology. The provided crypto-currency escrow service builds a secure bridge and creates a trust relationship between both parties for online business transactions.

SuperSU Pro

Introduction for SuperSU Pro

SuperSU Pro, which gives the best Android rooting experience for the end users right now. Moreover SuperSU this rooting tool can be named as the most useful rooting tool for each and every Android users. Because this is not just only…

What technology are we addicted to this time?
Louis Anslow

Louis Anslow, I think there’s a fine line between technologies that are practical and used in moderation in their respective time periods, and 24-hour gaming cafes in South Korea.

This progression is a bit slipshod, personally, since I think you do have valid points and information, but the history isn’t as exactly linear as…

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HP also supports manufacturing of storage data. Today people prefer their Laptops come with good specification, features and affordable price and will be well equipped to face the challenges of life. While buying any Laptop, Smartphones, or Tablets we…

what are the advantages of structured network cabling services

VRS Technologies is an premier structured cabling services provider in Dubai,look out advantages of network cabling services, we also give network cabling, structured fiber cabling services in Dubai.Call us at…

My Story

Garnered an industry award while working with toy elephants in Ohio. how to control husband by astrology Spent several years researching trumpets in Nigeria. Had some great experience merchandising robotic shrimp in the UK. Spent 2001–2006 lecturing about Easter candy in Edison, NJ. Had moderate success writing…

#Hp@support @[1–844–801–6776]

HP also supports manufacturing of storage data. Today people prefer their Laptops come with good specification, features and affordable price and will be well equipped to face the challenges of life. While buying any Laptop, Smartphones, or Tablets we look for so many things…