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Soft-deletion is actually pretty hard

Over the course of developing our SaaS platform ACL GRC, there have been occasions where we wanted to support soft deletion — allowing a user to delete an object (whether record, document, or other file) with the ability to easily recover the object at a later…

Review of FlumeApp ( Instagram desktop client for Mac)

Download Flume here

New Ideas

  • When doing a search allow to show number of followers so that it’s easier to know which post / account to repost

Will blockchain be made obsolete by Hashgraph?

Today, I have interviewed the Swirlds team on Hashgraph and their future projects. Swirlds is developing the “next-generation blockchain”: Hashgraph, a data structure and consensus algorithm that is fast, secure, & fair.

The Quantum World Association

by Victor Canivell, Quantum World Association.

Welcome to the first Quantum World Association (QWA) Medium entry!

Quantum technologies and computing are coming fast, and they are here to stay. Not only in academia, also in the…

Little Weekly Guide to Tech Events on Week 21

Blurred frontiers in Vienna, inspiration on the beach in…

Chronological Internet is Not Coming Back

Not long back, Louise Matsakis of Motherboard wrote about her woes with algorithms: I used to enjoy Instagram. Photos in the feed were displayed in reverse-chronological order. The newest posts were at the top, and the oldest posts at the bottom. It was

Bus Booking API - Integrate It To Boost Your Online Travel Business

Bus Booking API — Let Your Travel Business Witnessed Unprecedented Growth

In India, travel by bus is considered as the most preferable mode of transport. There are several reasons for this…


http://www.nortonsetup.co.uk is best and cost effective www.norton.com/setup for your home and commercial use. If you need…

Different Ways to convert your HP printer into Wireless printer successfully

Hp Printer Support is one of the new technological printing devices which can be used specially for many printing related purposes. If you are still using simple printing method with cable…

Why should Native apps have all the fun?

Vishaag — very proud you got this article out! :-)

I’m a big fan of PWAs myself. You should follow Paul Irish if you don’t already.

Mist Humidifier

Mist Humidifier | Neo Blogs and Vlogs | Health benefits of humidifier
Mist Humidifiers are a great way to maintain a healthy humidity level in your home. Winter air is dry air. Mist…www.affiliatepromotional.com

Amazon Echo app Alexa now in India

Amazon Echo app Alexa now in India | My Deals and Review Blog
Watch Intro Of Echo Products: As purely a Bluetooth speaker, the Amazon Echo and amazon Echo app Alexa leaves a lot to…www.affiliatepromotional.com