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Project Fin, a Board from Resin.io

Resin.io is one of the few successful startups dealing with the thorny issue of the provisioning, and updating, of the software on distributed smart devices. Along the way they’ve spun off software tools that we now use everyday, this includes Etcher, a tool most of us…

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence — What they are to business

Most leading companies today rely on the power of Machine Learning(ML) and Artificial Intelligence(AI) to understand consumer behaviour, turn data into information and propel themselves into a productive…

Dancing the night away with LionDance Cat

When you think about Chinese New Year, you probably think about red packets, moon…

Boom, Let’s Innovate!

Following on from yesterday’s article which laid out an argument for changing your innovation practice. It’s time to…

Indexante Newsletter #48

Bitcoin se cotiza entre los US$8000 a US$9000, por primera vez un vehículo autónomo atropella a una persona y otro escándalo con la data de Facebook… o sea lo normal. #esloquehay

A South by Southwest Experience

After a week of full immersion while in Austin attending the SXSW EDU festival, I left with a firm and comforting reaffirmation: there are some really amazing humans in the world.

The Next Chapter

Today is a big day for us at Umuse. We’re excited to announce that we’re entering into our next phase as a company — Early Beta.

The Importance of Empathy

Simon Sinek succinctly captures many leadership challenges faced today in his talk on Empathy and Perspective…

Why is US$400 million of funding to expand internet access sitting dormant?

The Web Foundation, the Alliance for Affordable Internet and UN Women are calling on governments to invest at least 50% of funds collected for expanding connectivity in projects targeting women’s…

Early Beta: Finding Our Muse

I am thrilled to announce that Umuse is now entering into Early Beta. This is an important milestone we’ve…

Why We Need Ethical Standards for the ICT Industry

Posted originally on the JustPeace Labs blog.

Ethical technology has never before been as critical, or as hotly debated, as it is today. Technology — specifically, information and communication technology (ICT) — is being critiqued for its influence…

Healthcare Payer Solutions | Big Data Analytics Consulting — Infinite

Infinite’s big data analytics with healthcare technology consulting helps health organizations deliver greater value and plan new products and tools at lower costs.