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Top 5 Mistakes Data Scientists Make with Hyperparameter Optimization and How to Prevent Them

Hyperparameter optimization is a powerful tool for unlocking the maximum potential of your model, but only when correctly implemented. Here, I’ll share five common problems…

Wing’s IoT Startup State Of The Union

Each year Wing surveys the IoT landscape through our IoT Startup State of the Union. We do…

ประกาศๆ ! DelegateCall.com: DAppChain แรกของ Loom Network

เขียน: James Martin Duffy เรียบเรียง: Molly Thamrongvoraporn

ในช่วงหลายเดือนที่ผ่านมา เราได้พูดคุยถึง DAppChains…

Innovative Range of Wi-Fi Systems for your Home- Eero

Science has advanced to such a level that now we can easily get information on any topic whatsoever right in front of us through internet but what has empowered the world of internet is none other than a smart WiFi system. This powerful…

The 101 Best Podcasts for 2018

Biased but would suggest checking out www.neverthelesspodcast.com : telling the stories of the women working in technology to improve how we learn. We’re about to launch season two and excited about the stories we have to tell!

AR and Technological Innovation at the EuroCIS Retail Expo 2018

Showcasing innovations of 470 companies from 29 countries, EuroCIS 2018 retail technology expo did not disappoint. Held in Düsseldorf, Germany, it was the perfect stage to announce PredictX’s partnership with Epson.


https://t.me/ikpytothis is my personal Telegram channel about interesting content for every geek: future, IT…

Office Setup & Enter Product Key | +1–855–550–9333

How do I collect my office setup and enter product key ?
 Launch the program. You can find it by opening the Start menu, typing key finder, and pressing Enter. The program will scan your installations and find the product keys of supported…