Tagged in


Women in Leadership in Engineering @ amaysim

Ada Lovelace, Hedy Lamarr, Susan Kare, Grace Hopper and Radia Perlman are just a…


English is here>


What is Confir?

Confir is a new way to find tech conferences, leveraging the most comprehensive list of tech conferences on Earth. We realize that…

Bitcoin miner‘s story: Gold Rush in China

This article is translated from Chinese.

Bitcoin mining is so profitable in China that the cryptocurrency could fall by half and miners would still make money, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Bitcoin is also, by and

Organize your observations.

This week was different. We were assigned a task to visit the cafeteria and observe how people use technology. I was like “Why 20 minutes assignment when we are surrounded by people using technology most of the time”. But still, as it was part of the learning, I had to do it.

Building a Fire Proof Home

Innova Eco Building System manufactures ready-to-assemble panels made with a magnesium oxide board (MGO). These…

Best Laptop Service Center in Trichy

best laptop service center in trichy Tamilnadu India
The Need 4 IT Computers shop is located on Trichy, bringing the quality and variety that characterizes our technical service to the public of the area.

Good Intentions Risk Changing the Internet (and Not Just for the Better)

As originally published on Tech Liberation Front

While the Net Neutrality debate has been in the foreground, Congress has been quietly moving forward legislation that risks…

Why can’t Texans register to vote online?

This article was originally published as an op-ed on the Texas Tribune, but wanted to pull it here as well to further conversation.


Our #RCShow2018 Experience

Originally published at www.clickdishes.com on March 8, 2018.

We attended our first RC Show in Toronto this year as exhibitors. Not only were we able to make meaningful connections with other exhibitors and attendees, we also learned a lot from the talks…

nmhjkj hp printer customer service number

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hp printer customer service number

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hp printer customer service

mhjlkjhk hp printer support number

hp printer support

hp printer support number

hp printer support phone number

hp printer support