
Yeah, Why Should I Wear A Mask Anyway?

Anthony C. Fireman
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2020


An argument for masks.

I hate wearing a mask, just like many do. Yet, I don’t consider it an affront to my rights.

That thought is a trick. We use it to believe we don’t have to be responsible for what’s important. It’s like the unemployed person calling a workout “work,” which is bull. Leg lifts don’t pay.

As far as masks go, let’s be real. Shouldn’t every last one of us wear them? Do I really need to expound on the subject? There is very little that matters except the actions we take to save the country.

We passed 56,000 cases on Friday, July 2. That’s a new high from Thursday, July 1. To put it in perspective, the Staples Center in Los Angeles holds 20,000 people. Yesterday’s caseload increased by nearly 3 Staples Centers. Dr. Fauci said he won’t be surprised if the number of cases rises to 100,000 cases per day. That is 5 Staples Centers.

Fans in the stands.

Just look at the picture above. What if all those people have coronavirus? And that’s a partial picture of the crowd. What if every fan had Covid-19? See where this is going?

Look, if you’re having trouble reconciling your beliefs and values against a virus that doesn’t care about your feelings and values, may I implore you to consider this:

My doctor and I have a professional yet casual relationship. He said to me, “Think carefully about what I’m about to tell you because it’s tricky to understand. I know for a fact, that if the human digestive system sent gas the other way, you’d insist everyone wear a mask.”

Thank you.

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