Looking back on 2019…

Adieu 2019 from TTC Foundation

Maro — Official Blog


Dear internet 👏

How are you spending the last days of 2019? Here at TTC Foundation, we are taking a moment to thank every supporters and investors for staying with us throughout a very eventful year of 2019.

As the last blog article of 2019, here is a recap of what TTC Foundation has done and achieved in the past 12 months under a solid vision of ‘Building Blockchain for Billions.’

In 2019, we made a major technological upgrade on TTC mainnet

One of the most important achievements of TTC Foundation is the successful launch of TTC Mainnet Rigi (after a very successful hardforking of TTC Testnet ‘Merapi’). TTC Mainnet is a blockchain with stronger security, higher stability and outstanding performance, compared with numerous other mainnet in the market.

We released the TTC Whitepaper 2.0 to share the key philosophy and crypto economy we applied in order to create a sustainable ecosystem.

With the launching of TTC Mainnet ‘Rigi’, we started an independent ecosystem for Acorn Alliances and drove the mass adoption of Blockchain more efficiently.

+ Related blogs:
TTC “Merapi” Test Network Hardfork
TTC Mainnet Rigi Launched
TTC — Whitepaper 2.0 Update
TTC Main Network Rigi Hardfork

In 2019, we increase the liquidity of $TTC through multiple channels.

We believe that liquidity matters. A vast liquidity is a foundation for the universal trust and higher volume. In 2019, we introduced TTC to key exchanges around the globe.

Exchanges Listing TTC: Bittrex International | Upbit | Tokocrypto |COINZEST |Bibox

+ Related blogs:
Introducing Cross-chain Solution for Binance Chain

In 2019, new features were introduced to provide the best UX in the industry.

Since day 1, we considered the UX (User eXperience) as a major hurdle for us to reach the mass adoption of Blockchain.

TTC AD Network is a great example; it provides a more transparent and fair advertisement experience to everyone: partners, users and advertisers. Advertisers can spend their budget more wisely to reach a wider audience. Users can receive their contribution rewards more transparently. As a result, partners can enjoy a higher earning.

We also added multiple token payment feature on TTC Pay and launched TDEX to broaden and support the usage of cryptocurrency throughout the TTC ecosystem.

+ Related blogs:
TTC Pay Now Supports TST-20 Token Payments
TTC Introduces Two New DAPPs

In 2019, we saw more DAPPs than ever.

The mass adoption cannot be achieved without users and users cannot be obtained without services. In the world of blockchain, it translates into a word: DAPP. In 2019, we focused to introduce handful of symbolic DAPPs to the ecosystem.

TDEX, a decentralized exchange built for TTC ecosystem, provides a liquidity between TTC and TST20 tokens. Shining Run and Build House are arcade games for everyone. Last but definitely not least, tata is a social network service powered by Acorn Protocol, which incentivizes its users for their online social contribution.

+ Related blogs:
TTC Introduces Two New DAPPs
Two More DAPPs on TTC Connect

In 2019, we initiated the POC (Proof of Concept) of Acorn Protocol with the first major app partner.

This year is a symbolic year for Acorn Protocol team, as the first integration testing case fianlly kicked off.

tata, a social network service with 17+m registered users, started the global open beta test with an app update on August 8th. The Acorn SDK was integrated into both iOS and Android version of tata, reaching out to the massive amount of users. As a result, within 10 weeks, we saw a rapid growth in the TTC Mainnet’s active account, surpassing 4.4m.

Currently, Acorn Protocol team is collaborating closely with tata to test the AD networks, anti-abusing mechanism and Acorn Rewards Engine stability. We are preparing for more Acorn Alliance services to go on chain on 2020, so stay tuned.

+ Related blogs:
TTC & ACN Holder’s Guidebook — How to Earn ACN in ‘tata’
TTC AD Network — Creating a Wholesome TTC Ecosystem

In 2019, we met and worked with amazing partners to grow TTC together.

In the TTC Foundation, we love the saying “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. The path to mass adoption is not a competition of speed run but a marathon (actually triathlon, more likely.) In 2019, we worked with amazing team and projects to build blockchain for billions — together.

With GOPAY, a simple payment solution powered by blockchain, we are working to expand the utility of cryptocurrency in everyday’s life, even at the convenience stores. We began to share a transparent and trustworthy information through Xangle, a disclosure platform for crypto assets. SOOHO, a professional cyber security team, helped us to improve the security and efficiency of the TTC ecosystem.

+ Related blogs:
TTC Partners with GOPAY
TTC x Xangle — Increased Transparency and Traditional Corporate Outreach
TTC x SOOHO — A Partnership for a Safer TTC Ecosystem

In 2019, the TTC community grew bigger and stronger than ever.

As we launched the TTC Mainnet Rigi, the community elected TTC Representatives. The election took place for 5 days, starting April 15th 2019 and over 40 Representative ran for the position. Thanks to all the Representatives and everyone who participated in voting, we had a swift first steps toward building the blokchain for billions.

Also, in 2019, our community sprung in few new countries and regions. BTC.com, one of the largest global mining pools based in China, joined as a Representative and began spreading words about TTC in China. A partnership with Tokocrypto, one of two crypto-fiat exchanges in Indonesia, helped us to grow our presence in Indonesia smoothly.

+ Related blogs:
The latest Update on TTC Representatives
TTC Representative Election — Apply to Become a Candidate
BTC.com & TTC — Partnership for Mass Adoption
Partnering with Infonesia and Tokocrypto to Expand into Indonesia
TTC in NYC for Consensus 2019

In 2019, we introduced Tigris Protocol, a set easy-to-use DeFi services.

In Q4 2019, we launched Tigris Protocol, empowering everyone to enjoy the benefits of various DeFi services from their handset.

First, TTC Staking Service enables TTC holders to earn higher voting rewards without ever worrying about re-voting. At the same time, as more holders stake their TTC in Tigris Protocol, it helps the entire TTC ecosystem to be more stable, as the Self-learning Automatic Voting Engine (SAVE) favors Representatives with higher productivities (= higher stability!)

Second, users participating in the Tigris Rewards Program (aka CLAY Token Staking) receive daily rewards from earning pool of Tigris DeFi services. As more people use the DeFi services in Tigris Protocol, the return of Tigris Rewards Program will increase proportionally.

Lastly, the recently launched Collateralized Debt Service (“CDS”) allows anyone to use the staked TTC as a collateral and generate stable coins whose value is pegged to the major fiat currency. (The best part? You can still receive TTC Staking rewards while borrowing money through CDS.) The stable coins (called ‘CKRW’ or ‘CUSD’) can be used in on/offline transactions.

In 2020, we will release key updates and features, such as the multi-collateral CDS, DAPPs for CFiat, and UX upgrade of TTC Pay, to jumpstart the usage of Tigris Protocol.

+ Related blogs:

Tigris Protocol Website and Whitepaper Unveiled
Tigris Protocol — CLAY Token Generation Event (TGE)
Tigris Protocol — OBT 2.0 Launched
CLAY TGE & Tigris Protocol Beta-1: Now Live

We thank everyone who walked a long path with us in 2019. And we wish that in 2020, we would walk together, with an even bigger crowd.

Also, TTC Protocol — Roadmap 2020 will be released very soon, so don’t forget to follow up too!

Happy New Year!

TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

Connect and cooperate to create value and opportunities to build a prosperous world