74. What’s your morning routine?

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2016

How to set your day up the right way

I published this post this morning about my language learning habits through Duolingo. I’d just completed 365 days straight of using the app to practice French.

I strongly believe that getting the right start in the morning can set you up for the entire day. Even though it’s the middle of Winter now in Melbourne, I still make sure I hit the floor and pump out 60 push ups. I have breakfast every morning — no exceptions.

People are lazy — once you do a habit long enough, it becomes effortless. You don’t have to be as disciplined. You feel good every morning because your habits put you in a good frame of mind.

It’s a cliche, but it’s the little things that count — good habits are no exception.



