A Married Woman and I Fucked. Did I Mention She Was Seven Months Pregnant?

We disappeared into a guest bedroom during a lifestyle party for some very naughty fun.

Married to Lauren
8 min read2 days ago
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When wives who swing get pregnant (hopefully by their husbands and no one else), usually they step away from the club scene for a year, give or take. But getting pregnant doesn’t mean they disappear from swinging altogether.

It’s probably really hard for someone not in the lifestyle to imagine a pregnant woman who’s married getting it on with other husbands and wives, but the truth is that it happens. Being pregnant and engaging in debauchery with others aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

By the time my wife, Lauren, got pregnant, we’d been in several polyamorous relationships with other women for close to ten years. Her pregnancy didn’t infringe on having fun with our girlfriends, but her general discomfort in the third trimester required a sharp reduction in sexual activity — as expected.

We hadn’t yet gotten into swinging — the lifestyle came the year after Lauren gave birth to our son. But if you ask her if she’d have swung when she was pregnant, her answer is “yes,” but only at private parties (not at the club) and nothing too extreme.

That brings me to Amy, one of a handful of pregnant wives who I’ve slept with over the years. When she was pregnant and we slept together, Amy was 31 years-old and a public relations executive. I was ten years older. She was fortunate in that she had a smooth pregnancy with almost no morning sickness and complications. Late in her pregnancy, she was quite big — as any woman is in her third trimester — but it didn’t slow her down much.

What most stands out about Amy as a pregnant woman was her sexual appetite.

“She still wants it every day — and I mean every day,” I remember her husband, Andrew, quietly telling me one night when Lauren and I had him and Amy, then only a few months pregnant and barely showing, over for dinner and a swap.

“And she’s not about to step out of the lifestyle because she’s pregnant, either,” Andrew added. “So,” he advised me, “have at it and enjoy.” (Note: We’d swapped with Amy and Andrew many times before she was pregnant.)

That night, while Andrew and Lauren fucked, Amy and I adjourned to another guest bedroom, where I pounded the shit out of her. Like Lauren, Amy loved hard, deep sex. She was an incredible lover.

Fast-forward about four or five months, when Lauren and I attended a lifestyle party where we bumped into Andrew and Amy. Amy was seven months pregnant, very much showing and wearing a maternity dress.

Like Lauren when she was pregnant, Amy had a glow to her, and I sensed all kinds of sexual energy. With her pretty face, long, brown hair, stunning 5'8" body, pregnant belly and large breasts, nothing about Amy that night at our friends’ house didn’t get me hot and bothered. I desperately wanted to sleep with her, but I didn’t know what to expect. I felt badly about my desire for her when she was very pregnant.

“Dude,” Andrew explained to me before commencing extracurricular activities with another wife, “she’s [Amy] still going strong, and I think tonight she’s wanting to get behind closed doors with you. You have my blessing. You’ll thank me later.”

By this point in the evening, Lauren had given me the greenlight to sleep with Amy or whoever I wished and had long since disappeared into one of the hosting couple’s guest bedrooms with two other wives and a lucky husband. That lucky husband had three hot pieces of ass to bang.

But it’s not like I was out of luck. There stood Amy.

“Care to go upstairs?” I asked Amy. On this particular evening, we’d spent quite a bit of time together, talking and flirting. The sexual energy between us was unmistakable, but I’d held back because Amy was so fucking pregnant. When Andrew and Lauren gave me their blessings, my reluctance quickly abated, and I had a good idea of where things could go with Amy tonight — to the bedroom.

A bit of context…. At the time, there was an unofficial invite-only club that Lauren and I belonged to with several other couples. It was called the “MILF Trading Club,” but it had another name, too, for brides who weren’t yet moms: the “Slutty Wife Trading Club.”

Essentially, the club entailed the wives letting their husbands sexually trade them with other husbands and wives. All of the wives, Lauren and Amy included, loved being traded. I realize it’s crazy to imagine wives with professional careers, husbands and in many cases children enjoying being sexually traded — but they did. Through the club, Lauren and I racked up huge numbers of sex partners and did all kinds of crazy things. Until one is deep in the lifestyle, they couldn’t imagine the things that go on. (An effort is afoot to revive the club.)

I mention the MILF/Slutty Wife Trading Club because, on this night as Amy and I had the hots for each other, several of the wives had gotten traded. I later learned that Amy had been traded to me. Lucky me!

“I’d love to go upstairs,” Amy answered, grabbing my hand after we kissed on the lips.

No sooner had I closed the door to the bedroom than Amy and I began tongue-kissing and touching each other’s bodies. My hands almost instinctively went to her breasts, which had increased quite a bit in size because of her pregnancy.

Meanwhile, Amy unbuckled my belt and quickly did away with my slacks, leaving me only in my boxer briefs. Then, she unbuttoned and pulled off my shirt.

“I realize we’re not exactly new to each other, but I’m a little nervous because of this,” I said, touching her pregnant belly.

She giggled.

“I understand,” she said, hand-jobbing my throbbing erection. “You can’t get on top of me, but everything else is okay.”

I nodded.

“Try not to cum inside me, too,” she added with a wink. We both knew the rule against creampies involving others — but we still broke it now and then.

I pulled off Amy’s maternity dress, leaving her in nothing but a black bra that I unclipped and tossed behind her (she wore no panties). There she stood in front of me with her beautiful pregnant belly, swollen breasts and still-stunning body. I found her simply gorgeous.

I reached for her vagina and was surprised to find that it was smooth as silk — not what I’d expect with a woman seven months pregnant.

“I had it waxed,” she said as we kissed.

I helped Amy onto the bed, where she spread her legs and I went down on her. Eager to please my lover, I delighted so much in her pussy that I brought her to back-to-back orgasms. She tasted too good to stop.

“Blowjobs are a little tricky,” Amy said to me after her second orgasm in my mouth. “You can stand and I can kneel on the floor, which you may not like because you have to stand, or you can get next to me while I’m lying on my side and I’ll do what I can but you may have to do most of the work.”

“Let’s try lying down,” I said.

She giggled as I got up next to her head. She looked utterly overwhelmed with desire as my seven-inch phallus hovered over her face. It was the look of a woman who was desperate for cock, and I was happy to give her what she wanted.

She took me deep into her mouth. Despite her disclaimer, she sucked me off as she always had. It was heavenly.

The blowjob had gotten Amy’s sexual desire revved up to crazy levels and she was ready to fuck by the time I pulled out of her mouth.

She moved with purpose as she got into doggy-style position, looking back at me as I got into position. My cock melted into her birthing hole. I don’t even remember consciously penetrating her; I just somehow found myself inside her, probably because she was extremely wet.

“Ummm, yeah,” she whimpered as I softly fucked her.

Oh my god did this feel good. All of my pleasure sensors were lit up, and the ecstasy I felt was so intense that I almost blacked out.

She giggled as we had sex.

“What are you laughing about?”

“You can go harder and deeper if you want. I know how you and Lauren like it.”

I rammed my cock all the way into her to tease her.

“Oooh, like that,” she said softly. “That was nice.”

I did it again.

“Mmmm, yeah,” she whimpered.

So, I pounded her, and she loved every bit of it, even masturbating her clitoris and orgasming a third time.

I slapped her on her beautiful ass and she responded with “yes!”

It wasn’t the deepest, hardest sex we’d ever had, but it was aggressive enough to make me sweat a little and get Amy breathing hard.

“I’m gonna cum,” I barely got out maybe 15–30 seconds before I crossed the point of no return.

“Oooh, yeah, cum hard, baby,” she said so sweetly.

“I’ll pull out,” I promised, hoping she’d tell me to stay in.

A few seconds of silence.

“Stay inside me, baby. I want to feel it.”

Her timing was impeccable because right now I drove all seven inches into her feminine depths and exploded, dumping my load deep into her vagina.

After we had sex, Amy got emotional and asked me if I thought she’d be a good mother. Of course, I said. She wanted this baby, but she was scared she might not measure up.

I held her in the bed — both of us naked and her pregnant belly pressed against my midsection — and we kissed and talked.

Then we had sex again (another creampie).

And again (she swallowed).

Followed by a shower.

And then we fell asleep in each other’s arms. A few hours later, Lauren, still naked from her own fun, crawled into bed with us.

We woke up the next morning and had threesome sex before going home with our spouses.

Amy and I hooked up a few more times before she had her baby.

Today, Amy is 41-years-old and owns a successful communications firm. She’s a mother of three children, and she and Andrew are still happily married. Coincidentally, she and our polyamorous girlfriend of five years, Piper, know each other. There’s a lot more I could say about Amy, but it might reveal too much information.

Amy and Andrew every so often appear at the lifestyle club and respond to invites for private lifestyle parties, but they’ve dialed back their participation. Amy is worried she’ll be outed.

Happily, they’ve invited Lauren and me to join them for dinner at their house this weekend. It’s been a while since we’ve seen them, and their invitation suggested that the evening might bring more than just dinner and lots of laughs.

We’re looking forward to it!



Married to Lauren

Married to Lauren, a beautiful Swedish-born woman. We live in the U.S. and have a son. We’ve been married for over 20 years and are swingers.