26 Days to Go: Turning 50! 50 GlowTips I’m sharing to Spread the Glow!

Bettina Moss
3 min readDec 6, 2014


26 Days to go until I turn 50! So I’ve decided to share 50 GlowTips to Get Your Glow ON — one per day, in no particular order of importance and just as they come to me…

And here’s GlowTip 25: Dump the frump – it’s not doing you any favours!

It’s a bit of a chicken and egg thing, but there’s no question that what we wear, affects the way we feel. And the reverse also applies. The way we feel about ourselves affects the way we present ourselves.

You may think you’re too feminist, or too intellectual, or too arty, or just too busy or distracted to bother with your appearance — but who doesn’t feel better when they’re well-dressed and well-groomed?

A male friend once told me that he didn’t understand why people went to such an effort to look their best, in order to attract a mate — so that they could spend the rest of their lives schlumpfing around at home with them. (Even the word ‘schlumpf’ sounds totally unappealing!)

We all have our comfortable, hanging out at home clothes. But that doesn’t mean they have to be tatty and stretched and grubby and saggy! If you want to feel better about yourself then it doesn’t matter if you’re working in the garden or pottering around at home on your own (this is not about impressing anybody else!) — those hideous, ancient trackie pants with the saggy bum are not doing you any favours.

I’m not saying you’ve got to swan around in high heels and a tiara and pearls. Although by all means do, if that’s what Gets your Glow On!

And I’m not suggesting you turn yourself in a vain, self-obsessed, painted doll.

But have a little respect for yourself. Pay yourself a little attention. Give yourself a little loving care — because your world mirrors back to you what you feel about yourself. So what message are you sending?

You’re only insulting yourself when you “let yourself go”. Unkempt and frumpy is not a good look! And it’s only going to make you feel worse.

It’s not vain or superficial to be well-groomed. And it’s not about spending a fortune. It’s an instinctive way of caring for ourselves. All animals groom themselves and each other. It’s perfectly natural!

We all want the best for ourselves. But how can we expect the best, if we can’t be bothered to show up at our best?

And if we’re showing that we don’t care about ourselves, then why should anyone else?

We emPower and UPlift ourselves when we look good and we feel good. And when we’re feeling emPowered and good about ourselves, we’re attracting more of the Good Stuff!

So if you’re reading this and looking and feeling a little worse for wear, dowdy, tattered and faded — then it’s time to dump the frump, pay yourself some attention and give yourself a much needed boost! Reconnect with beautiful, powerful You and Get Your Glow ON!

Read GlowTip 1 here

Read GlowTip 2 here

Read GlowTip 3 here

Read GlowTip 4 here

Read GlowTip 5 here

Read GlowTip 6 here

Read GlowTip 7 here

Read GlowTip 8 here

Read GlowTip 9 here

Read GlowTip 10 here

Read GlowTip 11 here

Read GlowTip 12 here

Read GlowTip 13 here

Read GlowTip 14 here

Read GlowTip 15 here

Read GlowTip 16 here

Read GlowTip 17 here

Read GlowTip 18 here

Read GlowTip 19 here

Read GlowTip 20 here

Read GlowTip 21 here

Read GlowTip 22 here

Read GlowTip 23 here

Read GlowTip 24 here

