How to Live In Spite of Earth’s Dark Aspects:

Hold Yourself in a Bubble of Light and Keep Yourself Moving Forward No Matter What.

Purusha Radha
Starseed Life
6 min readMar 2, 2024


You knew the truth before incarnating at the beginning of this 26,000 year cycle.¹ And you knew that truth before descending into every lifetime in the cycle. Third plane Earth is an incredibly challenging yet educational program. Still, you chose to come and serve knowing you could handle it. You knew who you are.

A woman ensconced within her own bubble of protective, nurturing Light of many pastel colors
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

This 3D world is very set in many of its low frequency ways with many constantly working to keep it that way.

All the while there are others of us who bring in the opposite polarity. It’s what makes life in an sometimes ugly world beautiful for us and others.

I love another Medium writer’s title of a recent article, 4 Things I Tell Myself to Help Me Deal with the World’s Increasing Madness… (His profile is @jmalloy_60113.)

The world does seem to be increasing in madness. And there’s a method to that madness, as they say. We just have to find ways to live alongside it and transform it as much as we can.

One way to deal with the world’s madness is to keep yourself in a bubble or shield of Light.

I intentionally live and move inside a perpetual shield of Light. By my command all negative, destructive thoughtforms bounce off my shield of Light. I see myself slightly suspended from the madness, impervious to it.

Consciously and intentionally, I radiate the opposite polarity — positive constructive thoughtforms, grace and energies. And it’s my intention that anyone who comes into my vicinity, anyone who gets close to my auric field or comes inside it, is positively affected and increased without even realizing it.

Rather than be influenced by low or dark energies, I intend and command that it will always be I who influences them.

That’s what I’m here to do. I carry my kingdom of God with me wherever I go.

You probably often feel like a salmon swimming upstream as I do.

The system here lumps people into convenient categories. Everyone’s programmed to keep their noses trained on the ground and not on the Heights. This is true even in organized religions.

This system wants everyone to give in to its controlling construct.

Do not give in. Somebody has to be wayshower of a new, greater and higher way.

Refuse to be pigeon-holed and crammed into categories you do not belong in: age-appropriate, old, sick, useless, weak, poor, medicated, starved for nutrition.

Identify yourself with all that you are, Starseed:

  • ageless
  • forever
  • full of youth and vitality
  • dynamic
  • exhilarating
  • productive
  • creative
  • strong
  • prosperous
  • abundant.

If you enter into the rooms and categories 3D Earth has constructed for you, you’ll take on their energies even more.

Live in no category whatsoever. Resolve to live in free space. Live a fluid life.

Let people think you’re crazy. You’ll get their attention that way and that’s a good thing. Maybe they’ll start asking you questions and you can plant seeds of truth within them.

Nurture yourself by taking the road less traveled… a great deal of the time. That’s where the most beauty is.

Go against the grain. Starseeds are here to smash dogmas.

If everyone’s standing in a line or a crowd, you can be sure it’s not anything you want to participate in.

Starseeds abhor herd mentality and behavior. Shine uniquely bright all the time even if you have to stand alone.

You’ll find yourself enjoying magnificent parts of life without any distractions, without too much noise around you. The only cacophony of sound you’ll hear will be the ones created by the natural world: the birds, toads, and crickets.

This doesn’t mean isolate yourself. Engage with others and share your Light. This is your purpose. Just don’t run with the herd.

A Starseed person of Light with golden rays and dots of Light swirling about her head and turquoise colored clouds in the background
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

Keep going full steam ahead. But if you’ve given up, begin again no matter what age you are.

Many people give up at a certain age. The world tells people that now it’s time to throw in the towel. For some, including Starseeds who haven’t dealt with their emotional issues, the weight of that programming is too much to counter.

We’re told the age we should start earnestly doctoring and medicating. We’re expected to get sick and enter a stage of rapid decay. And so almost everyone begins manifesting one sickness and challenge after another.

They’ve completely forgotten they are creators, not reactors.

Didn’t they tap into the truth of their beings in their meditations and contemplations? Or is this 3D world that powerful that the minute you come out of a meditation it scoops you up once again? This is both true and false.

3D controlling agenda will come for you, but it’s up to you to stay on your toes and not allow it.

You’d be surprised how easily it will scamper away once you stand up to it.

Be strong in your Light and your resolve. This is where your bubble, your sphere of Light comes in.

Even if things look dark, maintain your resolve inside your bubble of Light. All of life is an agreement. Keep declaring and seeing the life you truly agree to which is actually right inside your bubble of Light.

In the Matrix Reloaded movie, (such great spiritual teachings the original three Matrix movies are), Morpheus and the Keymaker are in big big trouble.

Fleeing from agents and standing on the roof of a fast moving truck, another truck driven by an agent is about to collide with them. As the agent barrels toward them, Morpheus says:

“Neo, if you’re out there, I could use some help.”

In the next second, the trucks collide. Neo hasn’t gotten there yet. An explosion occurs and Morpheus and the Keymaker are thrust through fire and billowing black clouds sure to die.

And just past the moment of what seems to be no return, Neo swoops in and snatches them up from the fires.

It may look to you like you’re not making much headway as you deal with the dark aspects of Earth. But have the faith of Morpheus.

You have to be willing to hold on and go past the point that seems reasonable. It’s because you never know when your particular quintessential moment of salvation, realization, ascension — whatever you want to call it — will arrive for you.

What if you stopped just short of it? I think a lot of people do.

I’ve learned this in life:

The one who persists longer wins. Every. Single. Time.

So detach yourself from the dark aspects of 3D Earth. Keep yourself aloof from its madness. It’s actually the greatest way you can serve the planet.

Rather than participate in its absurdities which gives energy to them, hold something higher, something Lighter and brighter. Hold the space for Earth and her people to step into the grandest vision of themselves. And this includes, you too, Starseed.

¹ From my article, This Is the Equinox Lifetime for the Starseed:

The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 26,000 year great cycle of time on Earth.

It’s marked by the way we see zodiacal constellations in the sky over a 26,000 year period. Their positions seem to gradually change as the constellations appear to move across the heavens. Earth is wobbling on its axis which causes the change in positions we see.

There have been many Precessions before, but this one is paramount. It’s called the Great Year because we’ll soon open the door to a completely new Alpha. Earth will be called New Earth — Earth ascended into fifth dimensional Gaia.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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