Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet
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3 min readMay 15, 2024


Our Mother’s Day Podcast special showcasing nine Crow’s Feet writers reading their essays has been widely enjoyed. Now we’re planning our next production featuring stories about our fathers. (Check out the Mother’s Day episode here.)

If you have a story about your father that you’d like to share for a special episode on Father’s Day, please call our Listener Line at (800) 222–2216 and read your story into the phone. You can also record a message on your phone and send the audio file to us via email at Questions? Email us at

Meanwhile, retirement keeps surfacing as an issue that perplexes people from 30 to 65 who ask: Can I retire early? How much do I need to save first? The bigger question: “What will I do in retirement?” often crops up as your last day of work nears.

In the following essays, Crow’s Feet writers provide some of the answers to your questions about retirement.

Our Stories

Three Ds for Happily Retiring on a Shoestring. Increase savings, free up space, and change your perspective. By Mel Schlesinger

What I Learned About Retirement From Watching My Parents. I’ve walked a mile in their shoes. By John Egelkrout

Fear of Retirement. It’s not as bad as you think. By David Martin

I Asked Some Old Men I Know to my House for Lunch. And the world did not end. By Orrin Onken

Retirement: Life’s Disjointed Subplot. Thoughts about turning destination into activity and embracing your retirement as an outrageous late-life-engager. By Jay Squires

My Husband’s Retired, but What Am I? Imposter syndrome turns up in the strangest places. By Denise Shelton

Writing Prompt

Our current writing prompt asks for stories about whether you have a bucket list and, if you do, what’s on it.

We’ve gotten a few responses and there is a definite trend to embracing peace far above any exotic travel.

Here’s what people are writing about:

Are Bucket Lists for the Young? The older I get, the less I want to do. By Brian Dickens Barrabee

A Few Choice Words on the Bucket List. And a few serious ones about making a difference in the world. By Sandra Pawula

The Only Thing on My Bucket List. Peace. By Ann Litts

Until next week,

Nancy Peckenham, Editor

Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization that produces this publication and a bi-weekly podcast.

If you find essays and interviews on Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age that change your views on aging or help you navigate the aging process, please visit our website, to share in all the ways we are telling our stories in print, on the podcast, and on YouTube.

Help us reach even more people with our meaningful discussions about aging.

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Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet

Journalist, editor, mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, adventurer, history-lover. Editor of Crow’s Feet