Olympic — notes

Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2021

As part of my #weeknotechallenge I have decided to challenge myself to doing a different style of weeknotes every week.

We are now on weeknote #27!!

The other weeknotes in the challenge are linked below:

‘Traditional’ Weeknotes , Gif-Notes , Sketch-Notes, Shanty-Notes, Week-quotes, Animal Crossing — Notes , Poster — Notes, Haiku — notes, Achievement — notes, Hanami — notes, Meme — notes, Retro — notes, Comic — notes, Story — notes, Slang — notes, Tweet — notes, Blog — notes, Hansai — notes,Show & Tell — notes, Taskmaster — notes, Lyrical — notes, Rap — notes, Wellbeing — notes,Football — notes, Superhero — notes,Hot or Not — notes

This week its all about Olympics. What events have i been taking part in?

The Festival Hurdles

Festival of the Future. Soo… wow where do i start with this one. Filming, planning, trying to get speakers, sponsorships, comms, Cllrs, MPs. The list goes on and on! Last year the festival felt like a sprint, quickly getting though in 5 weeks and smashing it out. This year it’s a long hurdle race, every time there’s an idea there is 5 hurdles to cross.

Luckily it seems that things are progressing nicely🤞🤞🤞 let’s hope it stays that way!

Miro marathon

I think on some specific pieces of work and in a general sense, Service Design can sometimes feel like a marathon. And that’s not a bad thing! Taking small steps in culture of efficiency or even technology can build up to make a big difference. This week i really felt the long haul and purpose of a piece of work and the difference it can make in the future.

Wellness Archery

What do wellbeing and Archery have in common? it’s about hitting targets! My wellbeing has been a bit hit and miss this week.

A Leadership lesson i learnt was about the value of motivation. One comment can deflate someone’s enthusiasm and as dramatic & obvious as it sounds, you need to make sure to build people up and not tear them down.

But on the other end of the spectrum, my Friday was spent filming a promo video for the Festival. What seemed like an easy day of popping around and filming some lines WAS NOT EASY. I’ll leave it at that!

I would go into some more detail but i am writing this after a long day of filming at 630 on a friday so….

Talk next week,

Sam out!

Ps. Keep a look out for more promotion soooon ;)



Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset

Working to promote Dorset as a place to live, work, and visit. DL100 member. Inspiringthefuture volunteer. TED Speaker #SamsBrightIdeas