Automatically add your signature to manual LinkedIn messages

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
Feb 14, 2017

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

Linked Helper can automatically add your signature when you manually create a new LinkedIn message

  1. Go to setting “My Signature”

2. Set your signature and press <Save> button

3. Turn on <Add signature> mode

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Alex Erin

Read also

1 : Important — Linked Helper Data Storage

2 : Boost your profile and get hundreds of endorsements

3 : How to send your messages to your LinkedIn 1st connections

4 : Sequential messaging

5 : Build mailing list

6 : Auto-Visit Profiles to get Look-Back

7 : Export your LinkedIn contacts to CSV File

8 : How to manage Collected Recipients (Recipients Queue), Processed Recipients and Excluded Contacts for message broadcast to 1st connections

9 : Switch collapse mode to minified

10 : How to manage broadcasts to LinkedIn 1st connections — creating messages chains

11 : Automatically send personalised invitations to targeted 2nd (3rd in case of Sales Navigator) contacts

12 : Collect, Select & Invite 2nd & 3rd connections

13 : Automatically add your signature to new messages

14 : Automatically endorse all your contacts

