Boost your profile and get hundreds of endorsements from other users in no time : Automatically endorse all your contacts

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2017

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

Linked Helper automatically sends endorsements to all your LinkedIn contacts. Between 10% to 30% on your contact list will endorse you in return.

  1. Press «Collect contacts for endorse» button. Linked Helper will go through your contacts list and pull them for endorsement.

2. Open your LinkedIn tab in separate window and do not minimise / not collapse it. You need to do this, because LinkedIn doesn’t load profile page, if it open in inactive Chrome tab. You can do this by dragging down your LinkedIn tab:

3. After that press «Endorse my contacts». Linked Helper will endorse all your LinkedIn contacts.

Linked Helper endorses your contacts in a number of iterations.

Property <Endorse contacts per period> sets a maximum number of contacts to be endorsed during one iteration.

Property <Hours between periods> sets timeout between two iterations.

After timeout, Linked Helper will continue its work automatically.

If you close a browser before all contacts are endorsed, don’t panic :)

1) Open any LinkedIn home page

2) In Linked Helper choose settings <Endorse my contacts>

3) And press <Endorse my contacts> button

Download Linked Helper — LinkedIn Automation tool from our website

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Alex Erin

Read also

1 : Important — Linked Helper Data Storage

2 : Boost your profile and get hundreds of endorsements

3 : How to send your messages to your LinkedIn 1st connections

4 : Sequential messaging

5 : Build mailing list

6 : Auto-Visit Profiles to get Look-Back

7 : Export your LinkedIn contacts to CSV File

8 : How to manage Collected Recipients (Recipients Queue), Processed Recipients and Excluded Contacts for message broadcast to 1st connections

9 : Switch collapse mode to minified

10 : How to manage broadcasts to LinkedIn 1st connections — creating messages chains

11 : Automatically send personalised invitations to targeted 2nd (3rd in case of Sales Navigator) contacts

12 : Collect, Select & Invite 2nd & 3rd connections

13 : Automatically add your signature to new messages

14 : Automatically endorse all your contacts

