A Season of Strange: Poetry Winners

Midnight Mosaic
Midnight Mosaic Fiction
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3 min readJul 5, 2019

Don’t forget: Flash Fiction is due by July 15th, 2019

Photo by Vinicius Amano on Unsplash

What an amazing and strange month June was. Midnight Mosaic Fiction published over 30 poetry entries in two weeks for a great kickoff to A Season of Strange — our three month contest honoring various forms of dark and weird writing!

At the bottom of this newsletter, you’ll find a friend-link to every piece we published in June. Check them out and show your support!

Whether or not you participated in month one, there are two more contests:

July: Flash Fiction — due 7/15/19 @ 11:59pm CST.
August: Short Stories — due 8/1/19 @ 11:59pm CST.

Both contests have cash prizes and there is a Grand Prize at the end of the season for the best series of works by any author.

Our Seasonal themes are “Monsters, Mysteries, and Madness”.

Read more about the competition HERE

Send us your stories our Contest Submission Form

A Season of Strange — Poetry Contest Winners

FIRST PLACE : The Creature : Nina Morgan

SECOND PLACE : Last light that lingers… : Phillip T Stephens

THIRD PLACE: Sharp and Sheening Things : Evelyn Canto


Demiurge Gone Mad : Michael Stang

Monstrous — A Love Story : Elle Fredine

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all of the participants for your creative efforts in bringing more dark and strange poetry to Medium.

Patreon Support

Just a reminder that Midnight Mosaic Fiction has created a Patreon where you can sponsor A Season of Strange and future contests. One-time sponsorships can be provided by becoming a Patron, entering how much you’d like to donate, and then canceling after the 1st of the following month when you receive a receipt from your sponsorship. We appreciate anything you can offer, even if your support comes in reads and writes rather than monies. :)

Keep an eye out for more Author Spotlights & July’s Flash Fiction entries coming your way soon. As always, Thank you for your readership and writership.

We adore all ye Dark Minions. :)



Midnight Mosaic
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

We are the editors of Midnight Mosaic Fiction on Medium, a publication for mixed-genre stories and poetry: Dark, Weird, Beautiful.