A Star in the Making

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 21-22

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


original photo by Lisa Rados

Our daughter officially made her stage debut this weekend in her first ever dance recital. As expected, mommy and daddy—both former stage hams, and dancers to boot—had some leaky 😭faucets from the face (mommy more).

We joked before she was born about how she might course-correct with our genes and end up really good at accounting. But no such luck, she took to the stage and shined like the brightest star up there. She did so great (and I don’t just mean that in the doting-parent-who-loves-everything-their-kid-does way, but a little bit that way too) and most importantly, she had a blast doing it.

“Pull Quotes” from then:

😀 A Personality (Weeks 1-2) | 😱 A Flair for the Dramatic (3-4)
An Active Imagination (5-6) | 🙋🏻 A Growing Independence (7-8)
A Happy Homelife (9-10) | 💝 A Sweet Heart (11-12)
Her Mother’s Eyes (13-14) | 🚀A Sense of Adventure (15-16)
A Kick in Her Step (17-18) | 🎤 A Song on Her Lips (19-20)

And “Pull Quotes” from now:

Monday, May 21

Daughter: How do you spell hand?
Mommy: H-a-n-d…

