
Surrendering to our inner presence rather than to the prevailing thought

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


3 min readOct 6, 2021


Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

The old world is collapsing with a convergence of factors: biological collapse, collapse of resources, collapse of values and institutions, rise of the fracture between people, deficit of the values of consent and freedom, smoothing of the diversity in the uniformity of the unique thought.

This journey that we are undertaking towards a new world imposes on us a crossing of the void, a crossing of the desert and it is now that we need all our fortitude not to submit to the collective diktat of sleeping or perverted souls.
We must stand firm.

Here are twelve texts that express this diversity and this resistance to ready-made thinking :

  1. My Higher Self by Jean Carfantan
    S/he bears an androgynous name
    S/he is waiting for me…
    my revelatory dream : prompt
  2. The Grand Exit by Beth Stormont
    . . . A Poem of Life and Death
    Many are making their grand exit from
    Planet Earth at this moment in time…
  3. When Most Needed by Beth Stormont
    . . . Were you there?
    At the time of my husband’s preparing to pass to the other side,
    I happened to meet — (during a required shopping trip) — a young
    Native American woman whom I barely knew…
  4. Our One Precious Life by Ann Litts
    Reality or reflection? We choose
    Life is a story. Our story. We are each the writers, the editors, and the publishers of this tale…
    Illusion vs Reality: prompt
  5. The Wave by Jean Carfantan
    Explore the Universe then integrate it to your roots
    As we explore new soul territories
    Our fragile ego is weakened
    Reacting with fear to lose footing.
    Prompt : Evolution/Involution/Evolution…
  6. Superinvolution from Inner to Outer and Back Again by Joseph Lieungh
    Likewise outer to inner knowing — it was there from the beginning
    Be still and know that I Am peace, love, and everything painted from unicorns to grizzly beasts of an unfriendly sort…
    Prompt: Evolution/Involution
  7. Wave Consciousness by Nalini MacNab
    The droplets, the currents, and the sea.
    Quantum awareness is wonderful. It moves us from the processing algorithms of polarized either/or, into possibilities of becoming more…
    Prompt: Evolution/Involution
  8. Notre Dame Paris — the Cathedral in the Sky by DL Nemeril
    A message of healing and hope
    Billowing smoke confirmed my fears. An inferno devoured Notre Dame. The sight tore me apart but my eyes stayed glued to the horizon…
  9. Queen Scotia and New Earth by Jennifer Tarnacki
    The magic of the stars flowed through her…
    For anyone interested in the Ireland-Egypt connection. Had some interesting insights while in a shaman trance state. May these ideas resonate with those who vibrate in a similar frequency…
  10. What You May See… by Nalini MacNab
    That Others May Not ~ A Gift of Observation
    That pulls up a full load of opinion/conjecture/rightness/wrongness and a whole host of other stuff, does it not? Or did it make you curious?…
  11. Arrivederci, Lady of the Lake by Jenine Bsharah Baines
    yet again, Gaia heals
    Captured on my phone
    to carry within my heart –
    Lady of the Lake,
    how deeply I will miss Your depths…
  12. So Many Timelines by Jean Carfantan
    And so few results
    I raked through so many timelines,
    I looked for You behind so many masks
    You were hidden behind so many forms….

To write is to resist to a reptilian society founded upon fear. We remember we are Humans with our emotions, our intelligence, our creativity and diversity.

It is so good to gather in this boat, with love and community of project.





Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.