SORA Ecosystem Updates #72, November 19, 2023

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10 min readNov 19, 2023

SORA development status updates with development updates from across the community.

SORA Integrated Plan

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The SORA Integrated Plan and Progress Update

The last time updates were shared, we reflected on the progress we have made on the SORA integrated plan. As the current batch of milestones nears completion, we are excited to announce that new milestones and secrets are being developed. We appreciate your patience as we prepare new and innovative goals. SORA is a decentralized and community-led network, so we welcome your input in shaping milestones for the SORA movement. You can submit your proposals as an RFP or start a conversation in the SORA chats. An admin will review and discuss how to make your milestone a reality. If they are unresponsive, tag them to get their attention. Please note that proposals that go against the principles of the SORA economic system are unlikely to be accepted.

The top highlight is that the SORA Kusama Parachain Bridge is now live! You can access Kusama as a network within the HASHI Bridge interface on Currently, only KSM is available as a token on the Kusama bridge, but work is underway to open HRMP channels with the Kusama parachains. This will provide SORA and Kusama users with a stylish interface to access their favorite tokens on Polkaswap. If there is a Kusama project token you would like to have access to on Polkaswap, please let their team know. We are happy to open channels with them for you.

Meanwhile, the SORA Polkadot parachain crowdloan is ongoing. You can participate from Polkadot.js, your favorite Substrate compatible wallet, or the Bifrost VCrowdloan. The prizes have been changed to Kensetsu Gold, but are still 0.1337gr of gold, but this time from an overcollateralised stable asset. Bringing the DOT to Polkaswap will still be backed by gold, but it will be even more groundbreaking this time. Unfortunately, more information on the platform cannot be shared yet, so stay tuned for more news about Kensetsu. You can look at the outline of the implementation in the Kensetsu RFP.

The development of the Order book feature is nearing completion. With the successful completion of many milestones and the clearing of the pipeline, the focus can now shift back to making advanced trading accessible to the community. As mentioned before, the introduction of decentralized order books will enable various innovative marketplaces on SORA, including NFTs and larger orders that are favored by individuals in Zürich’s Paradeplatz.

Speaking of the centre of Swiss banking in the heart of Zürich, SORA contributor catswithouthats spoke with the students of the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz about the principles of SORA. As the great Bill Laboon was also present to discuss the Polkadot ecosystem, good ol’ cats instead spoke about money — what once used to be the primary goal of cryptocurrencies — and now seems to be a consequence of trading it.

Money combines the store of value and trade instrument and the sound policy behind it. Your average moonboy knows as much about financial policy as they do about effective research methods since they all ask the same things, like token supply inflation. In SORA’s case, the economic policy is based on money creation for productive purposes. TBCD is a stable asset that is closer in value to $1 when the Token Bonding Curve reserves are complete, and the token is minted to fund production; the XOR utility token, with a flexible supply, is used to cover transaction fees, vote in governance, and nominate validators (network staking); the VAL deflationary token, rewarded to block validators and nominators (stakers), burns with every transaction, constantly reducing its fixed supply. The students — within the context of Switzerland and its governance and economy — were delighted and intrigued about the potential that blockchain has to solve the issue it was actually devised to address: creating a new form of money.

The keywords have been highlighted, but if there are still questions about the supply, the community is happy to help resolve your doubts. However, they would prefer talking about how SORA is the first DOTsama project to actively work on improving money as a tool, or the first DOTsama project to have a part of a CBDC PoC (once the announcement is live, of course), or even maybe the first DOTsama project to have a bridge between a parachain and solochain. So many firsts, so little time! Keep on reading the updates for some fantastic news from the SORA builders. If you went to Lisbon for WebSummit, we hope you went to say hi to the SORA contributors, as they helped the attendees of the biggest technology event in Europe understand Polkadot (or Substrate) technology and, in some cases, what a blockchain is.

Many worlds, one economy.

Let’s get back to work!

Please stay tuned for further updates from the SORA ecosystem, not only for the entire Dotsama community but also for the blockchain space.

You are now up to date with the recent happenings in the SORA ecosystem and the current status of the SORA Integrated Plan. Stay tuned for upcoming news from all the SORA contributors, and we’ll meet again in two weeks. Now, let’s get back to work!

*This is not financial advice. Always make sure to do your own research!

You can find the summary of the integrated plan points in the SORA Wiki.

Business Track Progress

  • Polkaswap-as-a-Service — 80%
  • SORA Card — 98.5%

This fortnight, there were developments in SORA Card that focused on improving the onboarding experience and preparing for the Phase 2 release. For more information, please refer to the SORA Mobile — SORA Card updates section.

Read the transcript of the recent SORA Card launch AMA in the SORA Telegram chat! For more information about SORA Card, take a look at these articles: Introduction of SORA Card, key features of SORA Card, a comparison between SORA Card and other crypto-powered banking services, an interview with the people behind the SORA Card tech and management, and a recent article on SORA Card Phase One, as well as the SORA Card AMA Recap.

SORA Card | Value Freedom

⚙️ SORA Blockchain Update

  • Progress on the tasks for the milestones available on the Github Milestones section.
  • Worked on the next release (3.1.1) that fixed ADAR issues and changed the buy-back and burn mechanism to have the 10% remint of VAL and PSWAP go to buy-back and burn TBCD instead of XST since TBCD is used to fund productive projects in the ecosystem. The TBC margin is also redirected to buy-back and burn TBCD.

Substrate bridge (Github milestone)

  • We have released and activated the Substrate bridge to Kusama on production!
  • The team is working on reusing the codebase of the Substrate bridge to bridge to another non-parachain, Substrate-based network supporting a sovereign nation-state.

SORA Kusama parachain

  • Working on the next release for the Kusama parachain:
  • Implement XOR as the native currency;
  • Change asset precision to 18 instead of 12 (so that it is consistent with the asset precision on the mainnet);
  • Enable transfers between the SORA mainnet and SORA Kusama parachain;
  • Implement the Council election mechanism to enable users to submit their candidacy to become a SORA Kusama parachain Council member and SORA citizens to vote for their favourite candidates.

Order book (Github milestone)

  • Continue fine-tuning the first implementation for the Order book and support the front-end team for the implementation of the UI;
  • Testing the implementation in private environments;
  • Preparing for the public test release.

Multi-EVM bridge (Github milestone)

  • There has been no progress recently. The team is prioritising the implementation of the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for Kensetsu.

Kensetsu (Github milestone)

  • Establishing and grooming the backlog for the MVP. The team is working to establish a minimum working product so we can release it sooner and start gathering feedback from you, the community and users!
  • Collaborating with product design and marketing teams to establish the user stories that will bring the most business value and include them in the MVP;
  • Defining the architecture and tokenomics for the platform;
  • Researching good practices in the market for features and user experience;
  • Brainstorming the design and user experience;
  • Writing education materials for internal and external education.

Support for Ink! smart contracts (Github milestone)

  • There has been no progress recently. The team is focused on other initiatives.

📱 SORA Wallet Updates

SORA Wallet

  • Released version 3.5.0 — Explore Ecosystem.
  • Preparing final build for the release 3.7.0 — Night Mode:
  • Night mode!!
  • Support for Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian languages.
  • Loading time performance improvements.
  • X1 widget disabled (native XOR on-ramp)
  • Connect with Google improvements.
  • UX improvements.
  • Working on the implementation of the Substrate bridge.
  • Working on the implementation of Demeter Farming.


Release version 3.6.0 — Quality of Life: Improved Onboarding:

  • Simplified on-ramp for X1
  • Improvements in the status KYC and the transitions between the statuses
  • Sign-up flow improvements.
  • Some important updates will require updating the application before you continue using it.
  • Various fixes and improvements.
  • Working on the next release to continue improving the product from impressions from the community;
  • Battling with partners to get the resources necessary to continue implementing the main features of the SORA Card.

👷🏽‍♀️ SORA Builders Programme News

ADAR Updates

The ADAR app is continuously receiving updates and improvements; highlights this month include:

A message from the ADAR Team:

We have released ADAR v1.0.10 this November! Noteworthy new capabilities that have not been mentioned in previous updates include:

  • Since SORA has added non-native tokens, ADAR can now handle payments in non-native tokens such as ETH and USDC, strengthening the use case for paying employees and service providers.
  • Polkaswap has added the ability to bridge funds between SORA and Ethereum or Kusama, which allows ADAR users to run payments using funds from outside the SORA network (more bridges are being added that will further increase the usability for ADAR users).
  • V1 of our new Swapless transfers feature is live, allowing users to load multiple inputs in a single file — this allows users to run a single payment CSV that will avoid doing swaps for the currency they have in their wallet. In the past, users would have to load a CSV for every input currency they wanted to use, or swaps would happen automatically when a single input currency was used, resulting in unnecessary fees.
  • The design for a usage dashboard is almost finalised. The dashboard will provide the ADAR team with insights into the usage of the system and serve as a public dashboard for marketing on the first page prospective users will see when accessing the application.

Find out how the ADAR app works here.

Do you like the ADAR app, do you have any suggestions for improvements or new features? Please fill in this survey and let us know what you think about ADAR!

For frequent updates from the ADAR team, join their Telegram group!

Here is the proposal submitted by ADAR. For more information on the Abed Group, take a look at this deck, and to try the version available from the completion of the first milestone, you can visit the ADAR website.

Ceres Updates

The Ceres team has been very busy lately.

Ceres Tools has received these improvements:

  1. You can now check an account’s swaps on the Portfolio page.
  2. On the Charts & Swaps page, you can filter and only check the swaps of your favourite tokens (choose it from the Show all Tokens menu above the chart)
  3. On the Pairs page, you can check Deposit/Withdraw liquidity events for the pair by clicking the View liquidity button.
  4. 📖 Check out all the New features on Ceres Tools for the last three months in one place 👉
  5. The XOR/KSM farming pool is live on the Demeter Farming Platform! 🌾🔥

As if that was not enough,

  • The much anticipated Apollo lending platform was released:

And I had a great session with Makoto san.

For constant updates from Ceres, subscribe to the Ceres Announcements channel on Telegram.

The Demeter Farming platform is available on the SORA network for users to farm with liquidity pool LP or single-sided staking with interesting APR*. New pools are constantly added, too. Demeter farming is directly integrated into Polkaswap for convenience. For more information, read this Medium article on the Demeter platform.

*Not financial advice, always do your own research.

🐈‍⬛ SORA Request for Proposal Updates:

#70 This RFP proposes all SORA parachain governance be done through the SORA mainnet

#71 This RFP proposes funding for SORA News.

Join the Decentralized Development channel on the SORA World Discord.

Thank you for making it all the way here. Your interest is much appreciated. If you are a passionate community member who evangelizes SORA and its supranational cryptoeconomic values to anyone willing to lend an ear, we are looking for you!

If you missed the previous ones: October 26 / October 4 / September 18 / August 31 / August 18 / July 28 / June 16 / May 31 / May 15 / April 21 / April 10 / March 23 / February 27 /February 9 / January 23 / older Ecosystem Updates are archived here and Dev Updates are archived here

About SORA

SORA is a new economic order for the world, aimed at high growth and empowering human progress. The SORA network includes interoperability with the Polkadot and Kusama networks, as well as the capability to bridge external blockchains (like Ethereum) to the Polkadot ecosystem.

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SORA is working to become a decentralized world economic system, under the democratic supervision of the SORA Parliament. Many Worlds. One Economy. SORA.