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  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency


First of all, we would like to thank everyone for taking the time to submit questions. There are some really interesting…

A closer look at Rialto.ai crypto baskets

Our introductory article covered the basics about our crypto baskets and how they will operate on our upcoming…

CoinYEP update. New features

We are glad to announce the new version which contains serveral new features.

The New Blockchain frontier of Cross-Chain transactions
Faisal Khan

Update: shEOS, a firm which helps companies launch EOS tokens and provides important infrastructure for that network, has recently created a new protocol called EOS21 which enables the smooth transition of ERC-20 tokens (standard Ethereum tokens and smart contracts) to the EOS ecosystem. The intercommunication & interoperability of the blochains is gathering pace.

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Artículo original: https://medium.com/@repmedapp/announcement-1722c654c76

En el verdadero espíritu de las criptomonedas, a Repme le gustaría hacer un anuncio sobre un acontecimiento reciente. En orden de prioridad, uno de los primeros ataques estratégicos de Repme fue…