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  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency

StateTrie: 최상의 호환성을 위한 해시 트리(hash tree)

희소 머클 트리(sparse Merkle tree) 개선을 통한 더 빠르고 효율적인 상태 인증(state…

The Nano Faucet

Nano coin (NANO) has been one of the coins to invest in, with its improving technology and fast transaction speed. Bitcoin almost takes 20 minutes on Binance exchange, whereas Ethereum almost takes 7 and half minutes. XRP which is one of the highly recognized coin for transaction of money takes 10 seconds but Nano coin only takes 3 seconds. This puts…


BlokBiz is a crowdfunding platform in the cryptocurrency segment. The goal is to create a platform where all registered ICOs are thoroughly…

Discurso inaugural

Artículo original: https://medium.com/@repmedapp/the-maiden-speech-9d892890eef2

¡Saludos a todos y bienvenidos!

RepMe está empezando a coger forma, la interfaz del usuario y el modelo son como nunca antes. Lo que comenzó como un brillo en…