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  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency

Exclusive Interview with ICON Foundation

The vision of ICON is to redefine the meaning of communities, and in doing so, introduce

A glimpse on the future of Bitcoin UX

Hi there, I’m Nuno from Bluewallet, a Bitcoin wallet. I’m a UX and Product Designer. And for…

Incentivising participation and growth in communities (using crypto-economics)

This post in co-written with Adriana Truong and meant to be accessible to a large non-technical audience. This is a continuation of the more technical article I wrote on Dynamic Token Bonding

Q&A — Jack Lu, founder & CEO of Wanchain.

Today I’m sharing a Q&A with Jack Lu, the founder & CEO of Wanchain.

Wanchain was one of the 2017 ICO’s I regret missing out on the most. As the market evolved, they did not only maintain great value but more importantly made huge…

HBH Educational Token (EL)

Στο προηγούμενο μου άρθρο περιέγραψα τον ορισμό του Blockchain αλλά και τις δυνατότητες αυτής της τεχνολογίας. Είναι σημαντικό να κατανοησουμε ότι τα cryptocurrencies όπως τα bitcoins, ethercoins, litecoins κ.α. δεν είναι blockchain αλλά το blockchain είναι η υποκείμενη τεχνολογία…

Cryptocurrencies, Matchmaking, and Pareto-Optimal Gold Digging

The AXE algorithm matches peers like we wish eHarmony would.

Pareto efficiency results in an outcome where everybody is as well off as they could be without hurting another person. Although pareto…



Opporty Updates: September 2018

Hello friends!

September was a long month full of work for the Opporty team, but we are taking a short break to sum up the results and share them with our loyal followers.

คุณสมบัติของเหล่า PlasmaChain Validator

บทความนี้แปลมาจากบทความที่เขียนโดย Michael Cullinanถ้ามีส่วนไหนในบทความที่แปลผิด…

The Trading Show New York 2018

LXDX CEO Joshua Greenwald and COO Will Roman participated in The Trading Show New York 2018, a nearly…

Blockvest | Ecosystem Member

Blockvest uses block-chain technology, digital identity, and digitized assets that are self-managed with…

How to Whitelist support@temco.io in Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo

Hello everyone!