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  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency

4 Reasons Why Stellar Lumens is a Better Cryptocurrency than Ethereum


APEX — Advanced TradingView Indicators

This article will describe the more advanced scripts I created for backtesting you strategy…

How To Stop Losing All Your Money Trading Crypto (4 Steps)

When TheCryptoDog taught me how to trade, he gave me some key strategies for what to do when you just can’t seem to stop losing money.

How to make your 1st $BLOC and more

Welcome on the BLOC.MONEY ! Click here to read our white paper to find out more about BLOC.

Vote for swiftlance SWL to get listed on @EvimeriaIO Exchange

  1. Chat with the bot @EvimeriaVote_BOT On telegram
  2. Follow the instructions and click on the register key first. Type for ex. /register your mail.
ECDSA is not that bad: two-party signing without Schnorr or BLS

Thanks for this post, we (http://kzencorp.com) are working on multi-party signatures for block-chains and we open-sourced 2P-ECDSA in Rust (https://github.com/KZen-networks/multi-party-ecdsa). More info about our crypto layer in this article: https://medium.com/kzen-networks/symphony-of-cryptography-construction-8f3b02054c1d.

ICO LIST CryptoTotem

New investors with an ICO will want to look at CryptoTotem. This website has proven to be a top draw for a lot of…

PayFair.io lists NANO to over 35 FIAT Pairs!

PayFair.io has just launched NANO to over 35 different FIAT currencies! This marks PayFair as the first decentralized escrow to feature more than 25+ crypto to 35+ FIAT Pairings!

What is Nano?

Первичное размещение монет (ICO)

С технологией blockchain, захватившей мир штурмом, родилось не мало отличных вещей. Таких, как…

AIZEUS & Knowledge Alliance

#AIZEUS #knowledge #blockchain #ICO

AIZEUS telegram group : http://t.me/aizeus

Valyuta Successfully Launches ICO Sale With Early Bird Bonuses

Valyuta-Gold Backed Cryptocurrency has published its plans for its greatly projected ICO. The ICO has launched on October 5, beginning with the sale of VLT tokens.

Beverage Cash Prototype

Prototype is on the way!
WEBSITE: https://beverage.cash/
Telegram: https://t.me/BeverageCash 
ICOBench: https://icobench.com/ico/beverage-cash

Our Website here

Visit our website here http://pyascoin.com @pyascoin is live @michelson099 @ChivaMOISE1 @BrunoGregory15 @EustacheYadley