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  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency

Binance Listing Fee Update

Binance will make a change to our listing fee policy. Starting immediately, and going forward, we will make all…

Introduction to a Privacy Ontology

#PrivacyMatters. Recent scandals in Facebook and during the last US elections prove the increasing…

Investing in Lumina

We are delighted to welcome Lumina, a digital assets prime dealer and portfolio management platform, to the Craft keiretsu of crypto companies.

Main Crypto News 06–07/10/2018

Обзор подготовлен специально для тг-канала Kitoboy

1) 6/10/2018 популярный блогер CryptoMedication (Profresearch) разместил в своем твиттере пост о неплатежеспособности биржи Bitfinex. Примечательно, что тайминг выхода твита и импульса падения курса…

Bancor in 200 Words

The Bancor Protocol has been live for over a year now. Having raised $153 million in one of the most successful ICOs of all…

[Crypto VC search] Ceyuan Ventures

Today’s one is a large VC, and not a relatively high profile VC in a blockchain industry like a16z.

3 Promising DEX Launches

Surprisingly, the majority of the exchanges we use on a daily basis are 100% centralized and expose us to major…

Crypto in Orbit?

It’s World Space Week! To mark the occasion, here’s a quick look at how blockchain tech — powering crypto around the globe — is changing the way we interact with space.

Quantum Computers: Computing the Impossible?

PumaPay might be a cryptocurrency project, but we are always on the lookout for…

The Working of Crypto-Backed Loans

Cryptocurrency trading and crypto-backed loans have been met with tremendous furor in recent years. The total market cap of cryptocurrencies soared from a million dollar industry to a billion dollar industry in merely a few years.