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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration
You broke it, now wear it broken
Felicia C. Sullivan

Thanks so much for sharing, Felicia. I recently came to the same realizations as you once did — and I’m thrilled to share that I’m currently finalizing plans for 2.5 mos of travel across S.E. Asia, inclu. NZ and Australia. :-) In my private thoughts, I’ve dubbed it the “Eat, Pray, Love Journey of 2017.” However, unlike Elizabeth Gilbert, the purpose…


After writing for five days straight “What we need”, “Oil your wings”, “Embrace”, “Believe” and “Success”, I don’t know what to write any more. Just the thought of what to write is drilling me inside. I really want to help you my fren but I can’t when I can’t help myself. I don’t want to cook-up advices for, give…

Data Humanism and Network Capital

Such a pleasure to welcome the absolutely brilliant @giorgialupi to Network Capital, my peer-to-peer mentoring platform. Her TED talk is inspiring and is the highlight of the TED homepage. If you wish to interact with more leaders like her, join…

Words fall from her fingers
Inspiration: Tre
Kathy Jacobs

TRE. inspiring muse.

Since this idea of Celebration:Inspiration was birthed Kathy Jacobs

Tre L. Loadholt came to mind. That’s why I said we will have to have a wall for her 😂❤❤.

I didn’t know where to start though. I have such gratitude because the first piece…

Länktips #009

Booooooom was launched in 2008 by Vancouver-based artist Jeff Hamada. It is Canada’s highest traffic art blog, and one of the largest…