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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration

Inspiration: Tommy

There is something special, intangible
In the words that flow and twist
From this very unique pen

24 Photos per day [Week 2]

In the previous post I’ve talked about the photography challenge to improve the skill. To be honest, I didn’t expect this challenge to be so difficult. I’ve never thought that 24 shots is a LOT! And I am just taking pictures, without editing. I just can’t imagine how Casey Neistat…

Oh, FF, I totally forgot to tag you with Kathy here!! FAIL. Will fix immediately.
Classical Sass

No worries! Haha. I am so happy that Kathy Jacobs looked at my Heath Houston piece I wrote for her Inspiration promt and an idea was birthed to make it something bigger. I love when ideas are birthed organically and become beautifully real. I’m thrilled people are responding!