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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration

Inspiring Designs #10 — Calendar, Date and Time

via NFN Labs | design

We at NFN Labs stumble upon a lot of beautiful, creative & inspiring work. This week we collected some of the best calendar, date and time screens we stumbled upon.

Inspiration: Indagadda Davida 🍎🐍

She, drifts in and out, yet at the heart, in the umbilical cord of a sister of love, she is…

This story is unavailable.

Sand Farnia, great point on #1.

I remember when I first started writing on Medium, I only wrote personal stories that reflected me. There was no takeaway, life lesson that I highlighted (at least it wasn’t that obvious).

But after writing over…I don’t know, 60+ stories?, I noticed I had more…

Why HEO is the new SEO

As Clay Shirky, the master of media, argues in this TED video, more media means more conversations. This new ability to curate your own zeitgeist is nothing short of a super-power.

We’re cooperating without coordinating (or fully understanding) the consequences…