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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration

Logo Design Inspirations Help Improve Creativity

Some people freak out when facing a blank page. In fact, I do too! It’s very common and natural to freeze and don’t know how to start a creation. But I’ll help you out with some logo design inspirations.

Inspiration: Thomas R. Barton, JD

Who is it that makes me smile and think? None other than our own special Devil Dog, of course.

5 simple steps to happiness through your values

Online Life coach | Dris Mi | The body & Mind Coach

Most of the time when we feel lost, unhappy, unbalanced or unfulfilled, it is because we feel that something is missing in our lives. More so, this is usually because…

Take the C.L.I.M.B.

I began searching for my life mission and have thought about some of the opportunities and challenges that I had experienced. Looking at what I have done from this point and what I want to achieve my vision is based on the Create Laughter Inspiration Motivation and Believe (C.L.I.M.B.) principal that I…