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  2. Inspiration

Best of UI — Apr 2017

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for regular design inspiration.

Happy birthday, bug baby

My startup, Anteater, turns 1 this week. And it has been the longest year of my life. I prefer to think of it more like 17 generations of drone ants. Or 365 generations of mayflies.

How Creative People See The World

I was really inspired by these ten illustrations of how creative people see the world. I wrote down some of my own experiences and contrasted them to mere normies.

normie: at a traffic signal, browsing through social media messages, other…

Foxhole hand drawn free font

Foxhole it’s a hand drawn sans serif font that looks cool depending on the kind of project you use it.

It’s available for free so if you like it don’t forget to give some positive feedback to the author.

#MotivationByME: Vanity(Week 17–24.04.17)

“None are so empty as those that are full of themselves”
— Benjamin Whichcote