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Kris Gage very well said and explained. I wanna ask how can we set boundaries with the one we love the most. Its not like clinging to someone but its about the one who we care the most and we wanna be with them yet they are not that much developed to understand such deep emotions. Its easy to state something but when we get into relations we can’t just state these are my boundaries i am not going outside of them.

love relating to your words MD
Francesca Anderssen

Francesca Anderssen — Wow, thank you and I love that you can relate to my words. Cue a little grin and bashful bow of my head. Thank you for commenting and enjoying my little stories! ♥️

Balance: How Losing My Mother Years Ago Impacts My Parenting Today
Katie O'Connell

Katie O'Connell I feel you with this story. I have tears of understanding.

I lost my grandmother when I was 13 and two months later my dad suddenly and traumatically died as I watched — I was barely 14.

High school didn’t hold the wonderful experience for me that many others have known. My…

What it Feels like to NOT Write (And Still be a ‘Real’ Writer)
Jewel Eliese

I loved this Jewel Eliese! I’ve felt the guilt and the comparison. This article is both freeing and empowering.

After publishing daily here on Medium with Jeff’s 30 day practice in public I felt guilty on day 31 when I didn’t publish. But I needed a break just like you did.

Sick and tired of what you should do? Ready for what you could do?
Keri Vandongen

This is wonderful Keri Vandongen (& not just cause you quoted me). I LOVE your line — Because without hope, telling people what they should do –doesn’t move them to escape or end a helpless situation.

You are truly blessed to have had a grandma like that. She sounds amazing. It’s so important to let people know they matter.