The Hero’s Hold #8 — Jan. 3, 2022

7 min readJan 3, 2022


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the details about heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with game news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on 1/3 at 8am ET.

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (News)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Stats)
  • The Adventurer’s Guild (Wallets)

Let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

Happy New Year! Even during that slow week at the end of December, the DFK team delivers! Here are a few highlights from the week:

Crystalvale Airdrops Announced

On New Years Day, FriskyFox dropped the bomb we’ve all been waiting for: the details about upcoming airdrops for $CRYSTAL, the Crystalvale expansion’s Power Token on Avalanche.

If you haven’t read it yet, you can (and should) do so in the DFK Discord. If you’d like a version with commentary, check out this writeup by Samichpunch or this video by Crypto with Tosh.

In short, with snapshots taken and ending during various point in January:

  • 600k CRYSTAL distributed among xJEWEL holders
  • 100k CRYSTAL distributed among bridged JEWEL holders on Avalanche (in-wallet and in the Pangolin JEWEL-AVAX pool/farm qualify)
  • 300k CRYSTAL distributed among LP token holders in the Sarendale Gardens (presumably incentivized pools only — unclear if this includes non-JEWEL LPs like ONE-1ETH)
  • Flat rates of CRYSTAL to all hero owners, determined by hero rarity:
    - Common: 1 CRYSTAL
    - Uncommon: 2 CRYSTAL
    - Rare: 4 CRYSTAL
    - Legendary: 8 CRYSTAL
    - Mythic: 16 CRYSTAL

Additionally, there will be raffles for a handful of Shiny Crystalvale Gen0s:

  • 100+ xJEWEL holders are eligible to win one of 25 Crystalvale Gen0s
  • 10 Crystalvale Gen0s raffled to summoners of new heroes in the first three weeks of January

While we can all be excited by these airdrops, note that the total amount of CRYSTAL distributed here will only be a tiny portion (around 1%) of the overall supply of 125 million.

Gold Mining Quests Enter Beta

This week, we saw Gold Mining Quests release on the DFK beta testing site!

Gold mining with Quarrysmith Gren is open for business!

While we’re still waiting to be able to mine our locked JEWEL, in the meantime, we can finally put those Miners to use and stock up on Gold, which we know will be used as part of crafting potions through the Alchemist.

Hubert has also elaborated on the broader purpose of Gold within the DFK economy, primarily to provide a value token that isn’t bound by the JEWEL minting schedule. As he explains it, Gold will have lots of purposes as the game develops.

What rewards does mining give besides a Bag of Gold?

  • Yellow Pet Egg
  • Shvas Runes and Gaia’s Tears

Like all other quest types, Mining has its own Pet Egg (0.01% drop rate), and also yields runes and tears at the same rates as other quests (affected by the presence of a matching profession gene).

Happy Questing!

Hero of the Week

This week’s Hero of the Week goes to a brand new first — the first hero with a DreadKnight subclass! Welcome Essiris Wiseeye!

Essiris Wiseeye #80474 (iceberrrrg)

This one-of-a-kind Uncommon Ninja/DreadKnight is currently available in the Tavern for 1500 JEWEL. With 5/5 summons left, it could be a great candidate for creating the very first DreadKnight/DreadKnight hero!

If you’re interested or have questions, you can reach out to donatello#9103 on Discord.

The Summoner’s Circle

Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far.

Total Heroes: 84,968 (+4,125 / 5.1%)

Note: Going forward, the charts in this section and the next will continue to update with each new week’s data, rather than remain static in time.

Hero Growth

Daily hero growth began to pick up a bit toward the end of this week, even as weekly growth was down again. Holidays, the high price of JEWEL, and continued API & Tavern issues has likely been contributing. The total number of heroes increased by 4,125 this week — 5.1%, with an average of around 589 new heroes summoned every day, including a 60-day low of 435.

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Jan. 3: 84,968 (4,125 / 5.1%)
• Dec. 27: 80,843 (4,948 / 6.5%)
• Dec. 20: 75,895 (8,161 / 12.0%)
• Dec. 13: 67,734 (10,108 / 17.5%)

Hero Stat Breakdowns

As hero leveling continues, this week, finally saw a handful of Level 4 heroes, and a greatly expanded share of Level 3s (around 25%). Meanwhile, Level 1 & 2 split the remaining three-quarters of the hero population.

The Adventurer’s Guild

In this section, we track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets.

Total Hero Wallets: 13,573* (+828 / 6.5%)

* Due to continued API issues, we’re unable to track the owners of 65 heroes this week, so the numbers in this section do not include those heroes.

Hero Wallet Growth

Hero wallet growth continued this week, increasing by 828 (+6.5%), though at about 2/3 of what we saw last week (+1,227 / 10.65%).

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Jan. 3: 13,573 (828 / 6.5%)
• Dec. 27: 12,745 (1,227 / 10.65%)
• Dec. 20: 11,518 (961 / 9.1%)
• Dec. 13: 10,557 (1,166 / 12.4%)

In terms of overall DFK profile stats — recall that these are the number of profiles created in the game, not necessarily all wallets that have interacted with it that number increased by a significant 11.95%. This week however, the share of hero wallets to profiles dropped to 16.5% (down .9%), as new players may have only entered the DEX in response to the CRYSTAL airdrop news.

Hero Wallet Stats

This week the average number of heroes held per wallet decreased again slightly to 6.26 (-1.3%), while the median wallet held steady at 2 heroes.

A few key hero wallet metrics

There was very little movement this week among the Top 50 hero wallets, and accordingly, the share of hero holdings by them dropped sharply this week, by 4.5%. The share of wallets holding only one hero also increased again this week by 2.7% to 33.7%. An additional 393 wallets have one hero from last week, an increase of 9.4%.

Wallet Rankings

Please note the logarithmic y-axis scales of the charts below, and that this first chart groups wallets holding 100–124, 125–149, 150–199, and 200+ heroes. If you have better ideas for how to display this data, please let me know!

Gen0 Wallet Stats

We’re also checking in on Gen0 wallets, in order to keep an eye on potential consolidation.

Total Gen0 Wallets: 859* (+7 from last week)

Note: As with the broader hero data, there is one Gen0 (#1052) whose ownership status is unknown, so it is excluded here.

Following last week’s shift toward greater distribution, the number of Gen0 wallets continued to increase this week. This time, however, most of the net change came from outside of the Top 50 wallets, with 8 new single Gen0 holders entering the list.

A few key metrics for Gen0 wallets

Among top movers, Veilvi sold off another 3 Gen0s, Hero Harem sold 2, and kirito_ bought 2.

Whale Watch

Finally, let’s check in on our hero whales. Big changes here as Veilvi dropped 66 heroes and Almost dropped 111! Nevertheless, the Top 10 holders remained the same, with just a little big of shuffling around. The number of wallets with 100+ heroes also increased by 3 this week to 42.

Account Name / Hero Count (Change) / Gen0s

  1. Veilvi / 412 (-66) / 16 (-3)
  2. Pikul / 276 (+26) / 6
  3. Almost / 267 (-111) / 0
  4. leon / 264 (+14) / 8
  5. Wouter / 245 (+0) / 5
  6. Le Ogre / 227 (+24) / 25
  7. holmes / 222 (+18) / 12
  8. Jilly / 212 (+1) / 3
  9. ぷでぃんぐ / 211 (+9) / 0
  10. DarkSaga / 205 (+1) / 1

Total heroes held by Top 10: 2,541 (-84 / -3.3%)

Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

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