Salesforce Winter ’24 Release Notes — The Funny Summary — Volume III

Mustapha El Hassak
3 min readSep 6, 2023


Point and click is the universal language of computing, bridging the gap between users and machines.

This article is one of many other volumes for the Winter ’24 Release Notes — The Funny-ish Summary. If you want to jump to a specific Topic please use the links at the bottom of this page.

Flow Builder

  • Gone are the days where you had to place your components in different screens so they can interact ’cause Screen Flows with Reactive Components are now GA. This is definitely a game changer! Too many things to say here but if you want to see it in action I definitely recommend this CodeLive video by Julián Duque where he shows it in action.
  • New Flow Element Alert! And it’s called Custom Error Message element. It works with before-save and after-save flows. The error message will display in the overall record page or as an inline error on a specific field. The associated record change is rolled back. Do you really need more?
  • GET inspired, POST your dreams, PATCH up challenges, PUT your plans in motion, and DELETE doubts. Your journey to success is HTTP-powered! HTTP Callout POST method is now GA. Plus PUT, PATCH & DELETE.
  • What does the T in ETL stand for? TRANSFORM! A new Transform element in Flow Builder. BETA. Check it out the UI/UX is just Awesome!
  • Imagine that when a DMO or a calculated insight object is created/updated, you could trigger a flow to execute specific logic. Did you grasp the concept? Well, you can stop imagining now, as Data Cloud-Triggered Flows have officially become a reality.
  • If you’ve ever struggled with saving flows before all elements were properly configured, that’s old news. Errors that used to block saving are now mere warnings.
  • When exploring the Flow Trigger Explorer, you now have the option to filter by status (Active/Inactive), package state (Managed/Unmanaged), or process type (Orchestration/Flow). Just like you, I’m completely “Flown” away!
  • Do More with the Flow Migration Tool. If you have any workflow rules with pending time-based actions, now when the associated record is changed, the actions are migrated to scheduled paths.
  • On the same note, migrate any Process Builder process that uses custom metadata references in formulas.
  • Customers using Essentials or Professional editions, fear not the upstream swim, for Salesforce has your back. An increase in the number of active and total flows is granted to keep you afloat.
  • Less for Apex, More for Flows! You can no more call Slack Invocable Actions from Apex.



Mustapha El Hassak

Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) & 17x Salesforce Certified (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Application Architect, System Architect, CRM Analytics)