Salesforce Winter ’24 Release Notes — The Funny Summary — Volume VIII

Zakaria SEMRI
3 min readSep 6, 2023


“Anything can change, because the smartphone revolution is still in the early stages.” — Tim “Apple” Cook

This article is one of many other volumes for the Winter ’24 Release Notes — The Funny-ish Summary. If you want to jump to a specific Topic please use the links at the bottom of this page.

Salesforce Mobile App

  • Enjoy the full CRM Analytics experience! Widget interactions is now extended to the Mobile App as well.
  • Adding a Widget on Mobile, means it’s now added automatically on Desktop.
  • No need to turn on your laptop anymore only to share your reports with other. You can do it directly via your phone now.
  • Pick up your phone, grab your documents, scan them & extract the text for whatever usage you need. Thank you DocumentScanner API 🙏!
  • Your briefcase is now searchable, whether you’re online or offline.
  • The Offline App Onboarding Wizard is now GA. In short, it helps you in the offline experience initial set-up.
  • One more Offline capability to know about. You can attach images to your records while you’re… you guessed it right, offline.
  • Dynamic Forms on Mobile are now GA.

Mobile Publisher

Me trying to find a relevant meme for this Mobile Publisher section. Just keep scrolling guys.
  • You can now define the Default Method for opening URLs. You also have the ability to test this in Playground.
  • Send me location, I’m here! The description can be defined for the location permissions & the push notifications requests. There is also a configurable option to trigger push notifications based on location.
  • Meet & interact with NFC Tags near you! The NFCService API will come handy here for that purpose.
  • You can now build Sci-fi caliber features around the Biometrics thanks to the BiometricsService API.

Briefcase Builder

  • The Briefcase Builder now supports custom metadata types. In short, you can define rules (Via the CMDT) to bring a customized metadata to your offline world.

Salesforce CMS

Content managers not being able to hide their excitement for all these new features
  • Who, what, when and why. You can find out who exported & imported what, either content or translations, and when.
  • Backward compatibility ⏪ You now have the possibility to add enhanced LWR site channels to CMS workspaces and publish content. While before, you needed to be in an enhanced workspace.
  • Imma stop you right there, you just can’t! 🛑 You can prevent user from un-publishing content that has dependencies.
  • 2️⃣ things when it comes to Workflows. One, you can assign them by content type. Two, you can automate publishing & un-publishing.
  • Officer, show me your badge. Within your enhanced CMS channel, permission sets can be used to restrict its usage.
  • It feels good to experience what j̶u̶m̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ navigating as a rabbit feels like 🐰 You can now jump between the content and its folder with ease. Keep in mind we’re talking about the enhanced stuff here.
  • (** Uncle Dana White’s voice**) If you didn’t know, now you know. In short, you can have suggestions popping up whenever you decide to search for content.

