Salesforce Winter ’24 Release Notes — The Funny Summary — Volume VI

Hamza Ait Ben Said
3 min readSep 6, 2023


This article is one of many other volumes for the Winter ’24 Release Notes — The Funny-ish Summary. If you want to jump to a specific Topic please use the links at the bottom of this page.

Lightning Components

  • Say hello to dynamic components! you can import your LWC dynamically to offer you more flexibility
  • Why does Salesforce look more shiny ? new global color styling hooks were introduced (--slds-g-*) to match color-contrast changes.
  • The LWC Workspace API provides methods to manage your workspace tabs and subtabs in a Lightning console app. BETA
  • The RefreshView API now works with Lightning Locker (Previously, available only with LWS)
  • create custom elements with Lightning Web Security enabled. BETA
  • Use Third-Party Web Components in LWC. BETA
  • The Custom Component Instrumentation API lets you track and monitor your events or interactions with your LWC components. BETA
  • Feeling hungry! You can create Toast Notifications in your LWR Sites. GA
  • So Long Old Friend ! Supported browsers have been updated and farewell to our dear IE
  • Scanning documents, interacting with NFC tags, access to device’s biometrics is now available using Lightning Web Components
  • You shall not pass! Code that’s loaded from static resources now runs with Lightning Web Security (LWS) in LWR sites in Experience Cloud.


  • You shall not pass!!!! You can specify a permission set for AccessLevel.User_Mode to run DML respecting the permissions in the specified permission set. PREVIEW
  • Use the System.AsyncInfoto control the depth chained queueable jobs GA
  • Developers border control won’t allow duplicate enqueuing of Queueable Jobs thanks to QueueableDuplicateSignature
  • Autobots roll out ! Although DataWeave cannot transform into super cars but no other transformer can transform your data like him. DataWeave is now GA
  • New Sheriff in town, you can use the Collator class for locale-sensitive comparisons and sorting


  • You can now use JSON Web Token (JWT)-based access tokens for granting access to REST APIs.

Development Environments

  • Hey! Could you please create my sandbox user for me ? 🥺 You can select the users who needs access to a sandbox from a public group

Developer Console

  • Full Apex auto-complete in Developer Console is being retired (VSCode users reaction)

Platform Events

  • Speed up processing of platform events in an Apex trigger by processing multiple subscriptions simultaneously instead of a single subscription. PILOT

