My Very 12th Medium Newsletter

Summary 10/02/22–10/08/22 💌

Jennifer Barrios Tettay
5 min readOct 9, 2022
image by the author

I was able to implement a few useful things this week!

First, I started again to actively keep track of the writers who regularly read and comment on my stories.

This looks like this:

screen capture by the author

What you can see here is a “Kanban Board”.

In this case, the board contains 4 lists, and below each list are cards with author names on them that link directly to their profile page on Medium. These cards can be moved easily via drag & drop.

So organizing is easy now!
Whoever last engaged with one of my stories goes to the far left. If the name is not yet on the board, I create a new card.

To keep things organized, I arrange the names under each list alphabetically.

It’s easy to guess: the names on the left have priority when I’m looking for stories to read. If I have read and commented, the card goes into one of the columns on the right.

Again, the priority changes. What is further to the left is then what I generally read more often.

Criteria for this would be, for example:

✍️ Do I already know the author? Do we interact often?
✍️ How active is the author?
✍️ How much do I personally like their content?

This seems to work pretty well so far. At this point, thanks again to Natalie and Matt for pointing me in this direction!

Favorite Reads

Photo by Matias North on Unsplash

If you’ve been following my last few newsletters, you know that I’ve fallen short of the 100 stories/week target a few times.

At this point super great news! Because it has become a whopping 142 stories!!!

That is much more than the target! And for this reason, I allow myself this week to present 4 instead of 3 favorites.

“Medium Revolution” by Riley McLynn

A poem about the recent changes on Medium. With a touch of humor, but still enough seriousness, it addresses things that probably concern most of us.

Really well done! And also leaves room for smiles….

“An Exercise To Try And Help You Understand Depression” by Richard Bailey

Those who have had the misfortune of succumbing to depression at some point in their lives will find themselves here. All others can get an idea of it while reading these lines.

Very authentic and you realize (sadly) that Richard knows exactly what he’s talking about.

“You Matter More Than Risking the Pitfall Of “Productivity” by Matija Zagoranski

So informative and at the same time so emotional!

Matija makes it very clear how important it is to give our body the rest (sleep) it needs. An important reminder in this day and age, when we are supposed to maximize our productivity by all means.

“A Note on Wasted Creativity” by James Tyler Ball

You don’t always have to agree or look from the same perspective to find a text to be good.

Recently Annie Trevaskis featured a few newer writers and James was one of them.

James has an excellent writing style!
Engaging, descriptive.

At many points, I had to frown and just thought — no!! — while inside I was shaking my head vehemently in disagreement.
Yet his writing is truly outstanding.

Honorable Mentions

Photo by Craig McLachlan on Unsplash

Also here I would like to try something new and for today’s occasion just list some more stories that I liked!

The whole thing comes with a twist!

Because for fun I have simply omitted the names of the authors! The text’s length isn’t visible either until you actually open it.

So, which of the following stories makes you curious, just based on their headline?

The order is purely chronological according to when I read the stories and have nothing to do with which of them was the best.

I have avoided articles about Medium or making money. I think we read enough of that in general.

Let’s see, maybe I’ll try other formats in the future. For example, a “roulette” might also be an idea! 🎲

I think an additional listing of my stories from last week, as was the case so far, is perhaps not really necessary, or what do you think?

After all, you can see the articles on my profile.

➡️ Maybe I will think about something else for this last part of the newsletter in the future.

But for now, I wish everyone a beautiful and successful week!

Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

