I Became the Mulan of Feminine Warrior Leader-preneurship in a Masculine Dominating Business World

7 min readJun 25, 2023


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As a woman leader in business, I’m honored to share aspects of my Mulan journey to inspire and empower others.

Though the movement of women in business and leadership roles has been on this rise for quite some time over the last two decades, the masculine business world is still dominant and making it hard for females to tap more into their feminine qualities.

I want to say off the top that this isn’t a masculine bashing rendering to promote feminine empowerment. My objective is to share how several women leaders have had to be warriors in the business space, balancing their feminine and masculine sides, but at times having to step into what’s primarily a man’s role to disrupt the current norms and pioneer a new way.

If you know the story of Mulan, she was an uncommon female who disguised herself as a soldier to take the place of her father in war against the Huns. She successfully led the imperial army to victory and saved China and the emperor. However, prior to that victory, her true identity was revealed, and she was looked down upon because she was a woman. She could have been killed on the spot, but grace kept her.

The army went on to try and succeed without her, but she later caught up with them to give the final strategy to defeat the Huns. The commanders had no choice but to listen to her if they wanted victory and to save the emperor. Read more about the story plot here…Mulan (2020 film) — Wikipedia.

This article demonstrates aspects of how I became the Mulan of Warrior Leader-preneurship and used the masculine system for massive action-taking for over a decade to out-worked the traditional framework and establish a new way of brand and business BEINGNESS. This new way shifts into a new order of feminine-flow freedom-preneurship that would serve both men and women leaders.

Though women are strong and can-do things that most males can in the business world, several are longing to feel like a lady in their business and want to enjoy more feminine models for success. Believe it or not, most males are desiring these types of new freedom-preneurial models as well.

The breaking down of the workaholic frameworks and one-niche-focused oppression models are at hand. One niche-focused models where never aligned with my true identity of being a multi-mission person.

The work I’ve done over the years have provided both women and men with their new customized way of multiplying, maximizing and monetizing their multifaceted leader-preneurship which leads to more impact and income in a freedom-based way.

In my case, I put in a lot of work over the years to massively produce pioneer models, create new paradigms, cross-train in over 200 areas, created more than 1000 online training hub platforms and published more than 300 works on Amazon that serve different industries so that when the major shift for change occurred, I could allow all of what I created to be the signature selling storehouse that could serve the top niche markets on multiple levels.

I use the power of syndicated social media through virtual media tours twice a year to be the evergreen gift that keeps on giving. Medium has recently become my media tour capital to segway others into my multiplicity multiverse. I enjoy teaching this format as well in my training product The Benefits of Starting a Virtual Media Tour Empire on Medium as a Multi-Interest Influence-preneur.

For years, I had to fight through major resistance and content suppression from forces that wanted to oppose the rise of a new feminine order that would support both men and women. I became a warrior like Mulan in the online space to lead a new way and set up a new norm that’s now honored and respected by the masculine and feminine.

Because I became courageously committed to my multiplicity mission and warrior-ed my way through, it has opened up the gateway for so many to thrive in this new way. I had to be Loyal, Brave & True throughout the journey, knowing that someday, what I’ve done would become the new norm for several.

Because I’ve outworked the old model (which is a much longer and layered story for another writing), I knew I could continue moving forward in the new feminine flow and just add to my signature storehouse(s), or I could just allow all of what I’ve created to continue to serve for impact and income for years to come. Today, I don’t have to put in so much work, because the work has already been done on a major scale and I can enjoy the freedom-preneurship under a new feminine order.

More women leaders are rising up in their own Mulan expressions to change the game, carve out new lanes and support male leadership in creating opportunities for complimentary brother and sisterhood. Women are leading the way in this new era and I’m so happy to see more males being on-board.

Enjoy Aspects of My Journey…

Click the titles below to read my storehouse of articles about the various roles I serve in, several signature pioneer models I established as a solo-brand and the journey of who I became in order to outwork the traditional business frameworks as a leader-preneur, multiniche writer, industry crossover communicator, multi-service empire developer, prism-production-preneur and more to dominate as the top leading MULTI-HYPHENATE MAGNATE.

Get Started with These Disruptive Articles…

Has Your Brand & Business Content Been Suppressed?

Click the title to read…Do You Struggle with Social Media Suppression of Your Content? How to Leverage Low Visibility to Your Advantage for High-End Impact & Income

Learn More About My Becoming of THE MULTI-HYPHENATE MAGNATE

Learn More About How I Uplift Others as a Leader…

How Are You Motivating, Empowering & Inspiring Your Audience as a Leader? Use Medium Articles, Speaking & More to Make an Impact on Others

As you can see, I come fully loaded. LOL!

Believe it or not, this article and even the articles within it doesn’t do my journey justice as it relates to what it took to establish this type of brand and empire or the masculine warfare that opposed this type of movement.

Related Article…

Dead End: The Rise & Fall of Warlock-preneurs as a New Divine Business Era Emerges for Feminine-preneurial Freedom as a Dark Empathic Masculine Business World is Laid to Rest

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I would love to hear how this article empowered or served you in any way.

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If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email wowshedoesitallmedia@gmail.com

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 500+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com