How Are You Motivating, Empowering & Inspiring Your Audience as a Leader? Use Medium Articles, Speaking & More to Make an Impact on Others

4 min readJun 25, 2023


Photo by Matthew Osborn on Unsplash

How Are You Showing Up in Your Leadership for Consistently Uplifting Your Tribe & Others?

If you’re not using Medium to make a difference in this way, I hope what I share will encourage you to do so.

In addition to providing articles, publications and product trainings for my primary areas of expertise, I also publish empowering, motivational and inspiring articles for the general public.

I believe very important part of leadership is to provide what I call your Leader’s M.E.A.L plan. The acronym stands for Motivation, Empower, Action-Taking & Lead. In my publications The Ultimate M.E.A.L Planner for Leaders: How To Motivate, Empower, Act & Lead Yourself & Others, and The Ultimate Leadership M.E.A.L Planner: How To Motivate, Empower, Act & Lead Yourself & Others (Action Planner), I share concepts that help to develop leaders in this area.

On Medium, I enjoy creating content outside of my target focuses for high-end branding and business that will be beneficial for the journey of life in general that can motivate, empower and inspire people from all walks of life. I will be sharing several of those articles below as examples.

Providing articles that lead into other articles or free content like blog posts, podcast segments or videos and sometimes offers and opportunities, allows me to serve as a leader on a variety of levels. Some of those offers will be free trainings, low-end products like publications and digital courses on Gumroad and/or also lead-ins to signature works or opportunities to be booked to speak.

Providing speaking style article are great to leverage as well. You can record a talk on Zoom, upload the video to YouTube and then create an article on Medium around that video and include the link for viewing.

Also, for my speaking, I use Medium to segway others into my Facebook group Be Empowered, Motivated & Inspired. This group is for both laymen and leaders where I share short-talks, memes and so much more for upliftment.

On Medium, you have such a great opportunity to demonstrate your thought leadership capacity and build up the KNOW, LIKE & TRUST factor. Articles that provide value and opportunities for others outside of your primary focus is such a great way to introduce your brand and mission. Again, it’s important to have motivational, empowering and inspiring content for your tribe and the general public.

I encourage you to have at least three to five articles that you can leverage as evergreen content on social media. Also consider writing a motivational, empowering or inspirational article a month.

Below is a robust selection of several of my articles outside of my primary focuses that add value to my tribe and the general public that also include a few lead-ins to other opportunities or contact information.

I hope that you will enjoy them and use them as examples to inspire your own writings.

Enjoy Motivational, Empowering & Inspiring Articles…

Having Courage to Explore the Other Side of the Track

Pop the Cork Now: It’s Time to Celebrate Even Before You’ve Officially Arrived at Your Dream Destination

Where Does Your Yellow Brick Road Lead?

The Yellow Brick Road that Leads You to the New Tracks of Life

Don’t Click Your Ruby Red Heels to Return Home Just Yet. Maybe You Haven’t Discovered Your Ultimate Power for True Success from the Journey

Allow Yourself to Arrive at Your Desired Destination So that the Next Level of the Journey Can Begin

Do You Take Your Path to Purpose Seriously?

The Slow Speed Success Factor: How Slowing Down Actually Speeds Things Up

Go Where Your Passion Leads: Discover Your Next Passion Path of Purpose & Profits

You Are Ready NOW! Crossing Over to Your Unfamiliar Ultimate Success Sooner than You Expected

When True Freedom Calls

The Benefits of Taking a Break from Work-Related Activities: Make Time to Enjoy More of Your Life Even If You Enjoy Doing Work that Doesn’t Feel Like Work

Knowing When to Stop Waiting: The Art of Moving Forward in the Most Aligned Ways, Divine Timing & More


Faith, Hope & Love: The True Trinity of Holistic Success

Your Edison Moment Is at Hand: You’ve Never Failed. You Will Finally Succeed After Many Attempts

I hope this article was motivational, empowering and inspiring for you. I would love to hear how this served you.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at

