Top Stories published by Ad Tech Industry News from Undertone in 2018

Facebook and the Future of Advertising

Doc Searls was right fifteen years ago. Markets are now conversations. Publishers and advertisers can no longer collude without the omnipresence on the scene of the customer. The customer is now in control, although publishers and advertisers still don’t want to…

Zuckerberg’s Testimony Will Change Digital Advertising

One of the most amusing aspects of watching Mark Zuckerberg testify before Congress was the wide-ranging knowledge or lack thereof, about Facebook ads, and about digital advertising in general by those who want to regulate it. While…

How to Make Ads People Will Like

Can you make ads people will actually like?

Yes, it can be done.

The TL;DR: Provide useful information. Provide convenience. Build trust. Don’t chase people.

Google Chrome vs. Ad Block Plus

There are almost too many competing initiatives going on to fix what different constituencies consider to be wrong about online advertising. Each constituency has its own point of view and a “proprietary” method of enacting a solution. Over the last few months, we’ve been…

Criteria for Acceptable Mobile Ads Released

Nothing is black and white. While it is true that 25% of users block online advertising, surveys conducted by Eyeo, the makers of Ad Block Plus, have revealed that there are some ads even users of ad blockers don’t mind. That led to Eyeo setting up a…

These were the top 10 stories published by Ad Tech Industry News from Undertone in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.