Top Stories published by The Airbnb Tech Blog in 2013

Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web Apps

By Spike Brehm

This post has been cross-posted on VentureBeat.

At Airbnb, we’ve learned a lot over the past few years while building rich web experiences. We dove into the single-page app world in…

Chronos: A Replacement for Cron

By Florian Leibert, Harry Shoff, & Andy Kramolisch

Chronos is our replacement for cron. It is a distributed and fault-tolerant scheduler which runs on top of Mesos. It’s a framework and supports custom mesos…

Our First Node.js App: Backbone on the Client and Server

By Spike Brehm

Here at Airbnb, we’ve been looking curiously at Node.js for a long time now. We’ve used it for odds and ends, such as the build process for some of our libraries, but we hadn’t built anything…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Airbnb Tech Blog in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

The Airbnb Tech Blog
Creative engineers and data scientists building a world where you can belong anywhere.
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