Merzazine ‘22

All Medium articles from the year 2022 (with friend links)



The year 2021 was a creative explosion (thank to publishing CLIP as opensource). The year 2022 was even more explosion thank to series of amazing AI-driven art tools, which let people create in still unthinkable ways. I have to admit, topics of Merzazine shifted in that particular direction, but I will write about other topics in 2023.

Here are all my articles here, with short summaries for tl;dr-people among us.

Essays on AI

Explorations of creative capabilities by machines.

ruDALL-e, or From Russia with AI

Multimodal approach for Text2Image generation, with examples and experiments (Published in Towards Data Science)

About ruDALL-E, a Russian rip-off from DALL-E. Not such powerful, but with interesting examples and cultural references.


Neo-Writing and AI Treasure Hunting

#reMERZ is my ongoing storytelling experiment, in which I train AI on my own essays and explore new versions and visions of the world by AI.

Life and Art in Cluster

Social VR Platform

First part of my explorations the VR platform Cluster — IMHO one of the friendliest and most inspiring VR worlds I’ve experienced till now.

Melancholy of VR

Worlds of #Cluster, that will touch your heart.

About several heart-touching VR worlds from Cluster.

DALL·E: an AI Treasure Chest in Action

Creative and comprehensible capacities of Artificial Intelligence (Published in Towards Data Science)

My first exploration of creative capabilities of DALL-E.


Commented Guide to the Virtual exhibition of Art, generated with DALL·E

My virtual Exhibition with DALL-E created art.

A perfect Illustration with DALL·E.

Art of Prompt Design: it’s all about YOU.

Aspects to consider before you begin to create illustrations using Prompt Design.

Prompt Design for DALL·E 2: Series

Ongoing Index

Beginning of my series about Prompt Design for DALL-E.

Prompt Design (GPT-3): “Step by Step”

A small prompt hack brings wonders

An interesting phenomena within GPT-3.

Prompt Design for DALL·E: Photorealism — Emulating Reality

Ongoing list with modifiers and tips for image generation

Basics about how Prompt Design works — and focus on achieving photorealism with DALL-E.

About sentient AI.

Big news or rather Déjà-vu

My 2ct for the discussion of AI possess consciousness and soul.

Festival der Zukunft / The Festival of the Future

Celebration of Culture and new Technologies (including my video exhibition)

About the Festival and my participation on it.

Art in Art in Art (DALL-E, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion)

Unsupervised AI creativity

How to provide to AI a freedom of artist expression — and what will happen.

become human: become artist

How a video game predicted AI art.

DALL-E without Waitlist

Finally, for everybody.

All my articles on DALL-E so far.

MidJourney V4 — Ups and Downs

With prompts and examples

My exploration of the ModJourney in Version 4.

Somebody in the Liminal Space

My work, exhibited in Gallery Greulich, explained.

About my artwork exhibited during Design Week in Frankfurt am Main.

Drawing Hands and AI

In DALL·E, MidJourney and StableDiffusion. With some shocking images (I warned you).

Why cannot AI draw hands properly?

Artstation: “AI art free zone”…

New ways of human chauvinism

About a very human problem…

arte.go: “Prompt Generations”

A Virtual Exhibition of AI Art provided by an Italian Art movement.

About a virtual exhibition I took part on.

Merzmensch in 2022

What have I done!? Entering Mainstream Media.

Complete review of all my articles, interviews and exhibitions in 2022.

Written with AI

These pieces are created in collaboration with AI-models.

The New Flowers for Algernon

AI-driven take on the canonical Sci-Fi short story by Daniel Keyes

A story about gaining and losing ability of language — visualized by GPT-2 trained on my #reMERZ database.

Dalí’s Eye, or The Power of Image Inpainting

Made with DALL·E (Image Inpainting)

A multimedia installment created with use of DALL-E.

Life is but a ✨

Made with DALL·E

Another audiovisual experience with DALL-e.

Lost Bus Station of Forgotten Souls.

Made with DALL·E

A visual poem.

MicroMERZ: MicroIntro

Short story by humans and machines

A short intro into my ongoing series “MicroMERZ”, in which AI inspires me to short stories.


John Lennon meets MidJourney

“Imagine”, illustrated by MidJourney.

The Big Secret of a Little House. Part 1: Exhibition Space.

Explorations of Unknown Realms

Ongoing weird story about other dimensions, inspired by MidJourney imagery of my selfies.

I am not acceptable

“Artwork that appears to have been created with AI-generative technology is not acceptable” (ShutterStock)

About forbidding AI art and how AI reacts.

The Tales from Sometown

Welcome to the another dimension of your life.

Weird stories from a weird world.

Written by AI

These pieces are created by AI without any interference from me — especially for my AI-driven Magazine Merz dAIgest.


Revolutionary manifestoes, written by AI (#reMERZ)

“…what we need to do is to arise…”

“Ligaretto” of Music

The main difference between music and words (according to Bach)

History is the process of knowing.

Art is the art of knowing.

William Shakespeare and Lord Byron in Love.

A Stage Play, written by GPT-3 and illustrated by DALL·E

Sʜᴀᴋᴇꜱᴘᴇᴀʀᴇ. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Your hair smells like tomatoes.

Bʏʀᴏɴ. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀How so, my love?

American Dream

A stand-up comedy sketch, by GPT-2 (#reMERZ) and DALL·E

We have good universities, too, though the sciences are not exactly booming. We have good arts organizations, too, though whose patrons seem to be less than generous. We have good museums, though our museums are often a bit of a joke.

My name is Benn

“ I am forty. I don’t know, I don’t care”

My mother is all the time in England. But when I tell people I am writing poetry, they say, “Oh, Benn, you’re a poet,” and go away.

I’m Italian (2022)

Artificial Monologue

As video:

My Dear Distant Sun

A Letter by a Father to his Daughter

As video:

InterMERZ — German Magazine

In InterMERZ I publish my German articles — and translate all my articles (from Merzazine-archive [a lot to do!] and current).

“Ich bin kein Poet”: Bourdieu, Künstliche Intelligenz und überhaupt.

Kreatives Handlungsraum ausserhalb der Eingrenzungen der menschlichen Freiheit. In der Praxis.

Inklusive in Interview mit Bourdieu und in AI-geschriebenes Gedicht.

ruDALL-e, oder Russische Künstliche Intelligenzija

Multimodaler Ansatz zur Text2Bild-Erzeugung, mit Beispielen und Experimenten

Über ruDALL-E, einen russischen Clone von DALL-E.

DALL·E: die Künstliche Künstlerische Intelligenz in Aktion

Künstliche Intelligenz, die versteht und kreiert

Meine Erstanalyse von DALL-E.

Kunst in der Kunst in der Kunst (DALL-E, MidJourney, Stabile Diffusion)

Eine unüberwachte KI-Kreativität

Wie verschafft man der Künstliche Intelligenz die Freiheit des künstlerischen Ausdrucks — und was wird geschehen?

become human: mensch und künstler

Wie ein Videospiel die KI-Kunst vorahnte.

Alles über DALL-E

Endlich, ohne Warteliste

Alle meine Artikel über DALL-E.


In CryptoMERZ I present my crypto-art.

What is social life?

The AI-driven Poem, a Machine Take on Examination of Human Life.

Including virtual gallery. And here as video:

#reMERZ: The Latent Dive

Explorations of AI subconsciousness

My Crypto-Art series based on #reMERZ.


Short stories by machine and human




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.