Like salmon swimming upstreamYou and me were called to dreamTo go further up and further inTo imagine what life could beAnd to…
I don’t pretend to knowthe language of our foreststhe canopy of pronouns they use for each otherI cannot read between their…
Beware the certain convictions of average menTheirs is the genius of conformity and hate…
Living in the upside-downleaves me listless and apatheticMy eyes a deadened versionof who I once…
Wonder nowin the shadow,a cloud of doom,a spell of gloom.we pull togetherwe isolatewe wash our handswe sanitisewe fight to liveso all…
COVID — 19
There was the voice,
An open mirror to the skyher sudden scudding clouds — A lake rippled by gustsof breathless fascination — I am all surface:depths of…