Yapjaw: Slackjaw’s 10 Most Read Pieces Of 2022

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4 min readDec 28, 2022
Image by Troy Doetch

Slackjaw readers and patrons of comedy, my name is Adam Dietz and I am the editor of Slackjaw’s thrice-monthly newsletter Yapjaw. But for you, dear reader, this is old news.

At long last, we’ve reached the end of the year. I believe it was John Lennon who once said “Year go bye-bye” and as December 2022 turns to January 2023 that sentiment could not be more true.

I’ll be spending the last half of the month in Athens, Greece on the Slackjaw company dime. Kidding! I got to pay for it by himself! As such, this top 10 list only takes into account pieces published before 12/8/22. So if some Elon Musk Christmas stocking thing goes viral, it’ll have to wait until next year. It’s an imperfect ranking for an imperfect newsletter. But we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we?

With the warm and gooey holiday season in mind, I’m going to work out my good feelings here before launching into the list. First, a special thanks to the wickedly talented Alex Baia for providing me with the opportunity to work on this newsletter. Some of the funniest writing on the internet comes from Slackjaw and I’m very proud to be associated with the site. Another thanks to Troy Doetch, who designed the logo for the newsletter. Troy is a good guy and a funny writer. And lastly, thank you to my partner Sam. You’re a charitable laugher and sounding board for all my ideas, both good and bad. Thanks for always being the first to clap.

On this week’s edition of Yapjaw, we’re counting down the 10 most read Slackjaw pieces for the year that was 2022.

The Final Bell:

Be sure and follow Slackjaw on all of your favorite social media sites. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, it’s all here.

Interesting in submitting to Slackjaw? Of course you are! Our submission guidelines can be found here.

Spread the word, comment below, tell your friends. Keep reading, writing, drinking, eating, and doing your thing.

Until the next edition of Yapjaw, take it easy. See you next year (haha)!

