Top Stories published by in January of 2017

How to Write a Business Plan that Investors Will Love

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A good business plan does more than just inform readers about what your company does, how you earn money, or what you want to do. It persuades the reader that your company is awesome…

Our startup is now profitable: How to get cash flow positive at seed stage

Previously shared on the blog.

May 2016 was the first time since we started Slidebean that we are going to have a profitable operation. We currently host a team of…

4 Easy (but powerful!) Idea Validation Techniques

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You have an idea but how do you make sure that it works? And people want to actually buy it?And would want to use your service?

How Long Will It Take For My Startup To Be Successful?

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Launching a startup can happen really quickly. Making it a real business — Now, that takes a lot of time. But how much time does it take to make a startup successful?

Best Pitch Decks Ever: The Most Successful Fundraising Pitches You Need to Know

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There are many examples of beautifully designed decks from startup companies that successfully raised funds from investors and became…

Your First Order of Business? Plan an Exit Strategy!

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Startups often adopt a sprinter’s mentality. They want to get as far ahead as possible in as little time as necessary. Progress is measured in terms of growth, profitability, and…

How to Start a Business on Your Own Dime

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TL;DR: Instead of looking for funding and worrying about investors, we spent our time on growing a profitable business and improving our unique methodology for tackling complex digital products. Here’s why

These were the top 10 stories published by in January of 2017. You can also dive into daily archives for January of 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.