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Life with a Facelift — Applications of Face Recognition

By Deepa Naik

“Say hello to the future” the tagline of iPhoneX marked the advent of face recognition into mainstream apps using it as a feature to unlock the phone. Though this marks a milestone in itself as…

Waymo — Making Way for the Driverless Future

Waymo — the Alphabet owned self driving car company is the front runner in the…

Our investment in StatusToday

After sleeping, work is the activity that occupies the most time in our life. When Samsung commissioned a study to find out how we spend our lifetimes, they found that in an average 80 year lifespan, we will sleep for 17 years, and work for over 13 (we will also spend over 3…

How Artificial Intelligence Will Expand Opportunities for Human Lawyers (Part 2)

This post and my last one are about a new technology — artificial intelligence — but they are telling an age-old story. With every generation, innovative products and services arrive that seem…


Party season is around, and everyone wants to look the best and rock this part of the year. However, some of you might be scratching your head, thinking what to wear. But don’t worry, Fashinscoop will help you to look absolutely radiant this…

Five Ways to Unleash the Power of a Marketing Bot
Deena Zaidi

Thanks for a fun read! Indeed marketing chatbots are here to stay. One such chatbot named SuperBot is helping the education sector to simplify the counselling needs of the institutes. I am glad that education sector too is benefiting from the power of chatbots.