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The next instagram

Whilst reading the face swapping paper earlier, I was caught by one of their suggested use cases: combining group photo bursts into a single photo with the best faces. This reasonably innocuous innovation got me thinking about how the current crop of image processing technologies could make…

deepomatic — A new Identity fit for new Challenges

By Marine Boucherit, translated by Clare Sedger — Lisez cet article en français ici.

You may have already noticed some elements of our newly re-branded identity if you’ve seen us at recent AI events (AI Congress…

GraphGrail Ai Dazzles at Opentalks.ai

GraphGrail Ai, the world’s first Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain built on top…


Valentine’s Day is celebrated as the day of love every year on February 14th . Kiss day is the last day in Valentine’s week which means Valentine’s Day is just a day away. It is a day when people tell their loved ones,how much they mean to them. A kiss is just a…