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Chatbots: A Black Eye?

Some chatbot approaches are already legacy

As we said in our last post, Chatbots are hot.

Most people think of Chatbots as a fully automated chat interaction. As such they obtain 100% automation.

H/H Taipei最近在關心什麼?20180213


照例先打個廣告:下一次小聚目前預定在4月某日舉辦,講者為Politico的graphic reporter 林辰峰(Jeremy C.F. Lin),他將分享「小圖隊如何運用資源?」如果你希望講者當天還能分享其他主題或有其他建議,歡迎在本文下方留下您的想法。


51212 822 ALIEN is for DAVID — Artificial Intelligence

… DAVID is an artificial intelligence. The ALIEN franchise theme, has never referred to the Xenoformos. XENOMORPHOS are actually AI’s, just like DAVID, not alien animals.

Policy challenges of artificial intelligence

This first appeared as an IDG Contributor Network Column for CIO.com.

As Harvard University economist Jason Furman said when he was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, our biggest worry about AI should be that there…


Finally after the long wait of 7 days we have finally reached to the initial stage of the love parade. Yes! You guessed it right. It’s Valentine’s Day, festival of
love and desire. Its 14th February, it will soon be that time of the year when our thoughts turn to sweethearts.

Video Playlist Highlights Changes in the World of Sports

After producing a short video on the Future of Sports, the reimagining the future team curated a video playlist that explores potential changes in the world of sports — influenced by various advances in science and technology. This…

Friday’s Inspiration #15

Friday Inspiration is a selection of the latest innovative ideas we would like to share with our community every week.

We always love to hear (and share!) the latest & coolest collaboration between tech and other industries! This week, we focus on tech &…

online ias

Online ias training, IAS-online training focus is outstanding amongst other IAS instructing focus. The web based instructing these days another worldwide pattern. In this time of advanced cell and computerized tech, you ought to be more brilliant. As all of you know the expression no diligent work, just shrewd work.