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Communicating Better. Why HubSpot is Investing in Crystal

By Bradford Coffey, Chief Strategy Officer at HubSpot

A few years back, we discovered two frameworks that have changed the way we communicate at HubSpot: DiSC and Situational Leadership.

An AI Tutoring Experience

I’ve written earlier about the personalized AI tutoring system we have been jointly developing with Pearson Education. I’ve enlisted help from Gailene Nelson, Pearson’s Director of Product / Adaptive Learning and Privacy, to describe the experience we’ve built and the rationale…

The State of Reputation: Part 2

In the previous part of this three-part blog series, we detailed the current state of Digital Reputation, and the tactics used that undermine a significant proportion of the market, leaving ordinary people confused as to what to believe and what not to believe. In this…


Summers are always a fun time specially when it comes to holiday. Summer is bright, sunny and everyone enjoys going for a vacation. But the more happier it looks the more hectic it is to pack for the vacation. But don’t worry we’ll help you out with this and tell you…

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The chatbots centered around education sector are a great relief to the people involved in it. As Hubert is a chatbot for teachers,I came across SuperBot, one such chatbot tailored specifically for the education institute. I am quite fascinated by the advantages that these chatbots provide. Looking forward to see in how many more ways can Artificial Intelligence help the education sector