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Bottos and HPB, What’s In Store?

The Bottos(BTO) and High Performance Blockchain(HPB) teams have always been close, but we recently decided to form a…

Rencontre avec Alain Pezzoni de BeOnPerf qui nous livre sa vision des chatbots

Botnation AI a développé un réseau de partenaires en France et à l’étranger. 
BeOnPerf est un partenaire historique qui accompagne les marques dans leur stratégie digitale avec notamment un focus…

Salesforce VP Jim Sinai shares how Einstein makes Companies Smart

The Follow-Up Blog highlights industry trends, insights and keys to success from today’s top sales leaders and executives. Today we caught up with Jim Sinai, VP Product Marketing at Salesforce for its new AI-powered

Propose Day Special With Fashinscoop

The most amazing week of the year is back again. Yes! you guessed it right its valentine’s day…