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Announce BlueJayEngage 6.0 !!!

BlueJay Mobile Health Inc., February 12, 2018, BlueJay Mobile Health is proud to announce the next major release of BlueJayENGAGE. BlueJayENGAGE 6.0 is now alive on both IOS and Google Play.

How to biohack your intelligence — with everything from sex to modafinil to MDMA
Serge Faguet

For a little dose of intelligent reality, I suggest you read this humble article by AI Keras creator, and one the most brilliant writers on AI today, François Chollet from Google AI. And if ever you need a shrink to help you deal with your ideas of grandeur, I suggest you read this article.


Among the different events of valentine’s week, one of them is hug day whose celebration takes place every year on 12th of February. This is the 7th day where every youth, as well as people of all ages, celebrate the day
by hugging each other. You might hug your dear…